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Full Board Agendas

Board of Supervisors

City and County of San Francisco

Legislative Chamber - Second Floor
City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102-4689

seal of the city and county of sf

Tuesday, December 9, 2003
2:00 PM

Regular Meeting


Gloria L. Young, Clerk of the Board


Motion to approve the November 4, 2003 Meeting Minutes.



Note: Each item on the Consent or Regular agenda may include the following documents:
1) Legislation
2) Budget Analyst report
3) Legislative Analyst report
4) Department or Agency cover letter and/or report
5) Public correspondence
These items will be available for review at City Hall, Room 244, Reception Desk.

All matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Agenda, are considered to be routine by the Board of Supervisors and will be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the Board. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Board so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as a separate item.

Items 1 through 24

Recommendations of the City Services Committee
Present: Supervisors Dufty, Ma

1. 031866 [Waiving Police and Fire fees for Immigrant Pride Day 2003] Supervisors Gonzalez, Daly
Ordinance waiving fees associated with Immigrant Pride Day 2003 assessed by the San Francisco Police and Fire Departments; urging the Municipal Transportation Agency to waive its fees associated with the same event.
11/18/2003, CONTINUED. Continued to November 25, 2003
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

2. 031774 [Accept-Expend State Grant] Supervisor Dufty
Resolution authorizing the Office of the District Attorney to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $127,241 from the California Office of Criminal Justice Planning for the operation of the Major Narcotic Vendors Prosecution Program. (District Attorney)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

3. 031810 [Pedestrian Injury Surveillance] Supervisor Dufty
Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH), to accept retroactively and expend a grant in the amount of $99,350 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to analyze pedestrian injury patterns and evaluate the effectiveness of countermeasures and to enter into an agreement for the use of these funds; for the period of September 1, 2003, to August 31, 2004. (Public Health Department)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

4. 031829 [Membership in the Bay Area Regional Immunization Registry] Supervisors Dufty, Ma
Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to enter into an agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and the County of Santa Clara for membership in the Bay Area Regional Immunization Registry. (Public Health Department)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

5. 031733 [Liquor License Transfer, 350 California Street]
Resolution determining that the transfer of a Type 20 off-sale beer and wine alcoholic beverage control license from 421 Haight Street to 350 California Street (District 3), to Mitra Ghiasi dba San Francisco News & Gifts, will serve the convenience of the people of the City and County of San Francisco, in accordance with Section 23958.4 of the California Business and Professions Code; with condition.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

Recommendations of the Finance and Audits Committee
Present: Supervisors Peskin, Sandoval, McGoldrick

6. 031466 [Creating Exemption for Administrative Fee for Provision of Additional Police Services Pursuant to Administrative Code Section 10B.2.] Supervisors Peskin, Sandoval
Ordinance amending San Francisco Police Code Section 10B.2 to create an exception for payment of an administrative fee for contracting for additional police services.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

7. 031643 [License Agreement with Broadcast Music Incorporated]
Ordinance authorizing the City Administrator to enter into the Local Government Licensing Agreement negotiated between the International Municipal Lawyer's Association and Broadcast Music Incorporated to license music uses by the City under a license subject to automatic annual renewal for an annual Base License Fee plus 1% of revenue from events in which gross revenue exceeds $25,000, providing that prior to the issuance by any City Department or agency of any lease or permit to conduct an event on property owned or operated by the City and County of San Francisco at which music will be used, the leasee or permittee shall obtain an appropriate license from Broadcast Music Incorporated for the use of music at the event, and requiring that if an appropriate license for the use of music at the event is not obtained by the leasee or permittee, the City department or agency issuing the lease or permit shall provide funds to the City Admninistrator sufficient to cover any fees incurred pursuant to the City's Local Government Licensing Agreement with Broadcast Music Incorporated. (City Administrator)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

8. 031243 [Contingency Fee Agreement] Supervisor Peskin
Resolution approving and authorizing a contingency fee agreement between the City and a law firm selected by the City Attorney, in connection with the litigation initiated by the City Attorney against Scott Company of California and related entities over construction projects at the San Francisco International Airport.
(Fiscal impact.)

Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

9. 031710 [Airport Concession Leases] Supervisors McGoldrick, Sandoval
Resolution approving the twenty-eight (28) leases for the Airport's Domestic Terminal Food and Beverage Redevelopment Program - between Lori's Diner International, Inc.; Andale SFO; Sanraku, Inc.; Meyers Holdings, LLC, Firewood Café, Series I-II; Fung Lum Express, LLC; Bayport Concessions, LLC; Bay Area Restaurant Group Joint Venture; GDDC, Inc.; Tomokazu Japanese Cuisine (SFO), Inc.; (Jonathan Leong) L & H, LLC; H. Young Enterprises, Inc.; WSE Group; San Francisco Soup Co., Inc.; Guava & Java (SFO), Inc.; J. Avery Enterprises; Gotham Enterprises, LLC, SFO Coffee IV-VI Series; H. Young Enterprises; Susie Lee Tong Enterprises, Inc.; Lady Luck Gourmet, LLC; Creative Host Services, Inc.; D-Lew Enterprises, LLC; Burger Joint, Inc.; Creative Host Services, Inc.; Emporio Rulli, Inc.; Bay Area Restaurant Group Joint Venture; D-Lew Enterprises, LLC; Bay Area Restaurant Group Joint Venture; Andre-Boudin Bakeries, Inc., each as a tenant, and the City and County of San Francisco, acting by and through its Airport Commission, as landlord.
(Fiscal impact.)

Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

10. 031816 [Port Lease for the Boudin Restaurant and Bakery at Fisherman's Wharf] Supervisor Peskin
Resolution approving the Lease between the San Francisco Port Commission and Boudin Properties, Inc., a California corporation, for the Boudin Restaurant and Bakery located at 160 Jefferson Street at Fisherman's Wharf, for a total maximum term of forty-two years.
(Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

11. 031836 [Contracting out Status Offender Shelter and Intake Services] Supervisor Dufty
Resolution concurring with the Controller's certification that Intake and Shelter Services to Status Offenders can be practically performed by private contractor for lower cost than similar services performed by City and County employees. (Juvenile Probation Department)
(Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

12. 031851 [Transfer State funds to CMHDA for contract services to improve access to mental health treatment for children in foster care and other children placed outside of San Francisco]
Resolution endorsing the transfer of State general funds from the State to the California Mental Health Directors Association for a contract to provide services to foster care and other Medi-Cal eligible children placed outside of San Francisco, for the period of July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004. (Public Health Department)
(Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

13. 031928 [Lease of Property] Supervisor Peskin
Resolution authorizing a 25-year Lease of San Francisco Public Utilities Land between the City and County of San Francisco and Sunol Valley Golf & Recreation Co., in Alameda County.
(Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

Recommendations of the Land Use Committee
Present: Supervisors McGoldrick, Maxwell

14. 031497 [Extending deadlines by ten days for scheduling and/or deciding appeals under Planning Code Section 308.1 when the Board does not conduct at least three regular meetings during a deadline Supervisors Gonzalez, McGoldrick, Maxwell
Ordinance amending San Francisco Planning Code Section 308.1 to extend deadlines by ten days, from 30 days to 40 days, for scheduling and/or deciding appeals under Section 308.1 when the Board of Supervisors does not conduct at least three regular meetings during a deadline period.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

15. 031769 [Grant of Regional Funds]
Resolution authorizing the Municipal Transportation Agency to accept and expend $4,663,431 of Assembly Bill 664 funds for Municipal Railway Transit Projects, excluding administrative overhead costs. (Municipal Transportation Agency)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

16. 031830 [Grant of Federal Funds]
Resolution authorizing the Municipal Transportation Agency to accept retroactively and expend $326,512 of federal Section 5309 capital assistance toward the purchase of LRVs for San Francisco's Municipal Railway, excluding Administrative Overhead Costs. (Municipal Transportation Agency)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

Recommendations of the Rules Committee
Present: Supervisors Hall, Gonzalez

17. 031708 [Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections] Supervisor Hall
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Municipal Elections Code, by repealing Sections 700 through 760, regarding the Citizens Advisory Committee on Elections.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

18. 031709 [Dissolving the Advisory Committee on Adult Detention] Supervisor Hall
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Administrative Code, by repealing Sections 13.70 through 13.75, regarding the Advisory Committee on Adult Detention.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

Present: Supervisors Hall, Dufty

19. 031790 [Settlement of Lawsuit - Mamei Wei]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Mamei Wei against the City and County of San Francisco and Ray Contreras for $250,000; the lawsuit was filed on December 20, 2002 in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, Case No. C02-5887 TEH entitled Mamei Wei v. City and County of San Francisco and Ray Contreras. (City Attorney)
(Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Ordinance be PASSED ON FIRST READING?

20. 031799 [Settlement of Lawsuit - Curtis McGlothin]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Curtis McGlothin against the City and County of San Francisco for $165,000; the lawsuit was filed on August 7, 2002 in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. 411-241; entitled Curtis McGlothin, et al., v. City and County of San Francisco, et al. (City Attorney)
(Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Ordinance be PASSED ON FIRST READING?

21. 031807 [Settlement of Lawsuit - Teresa Lau]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Teresa Lau against the City and County of San Francisco for $93,500; the lawsuit was filed on September 27, 2001 in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. 324-939; entitled Teresa Lau, et al., v. City and County of San Francisco, et al. (City Attorney)
(Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Ordinance be PASSED ON FIRST READING?

22. 031728 [Settlement of Claim - Zurich North America]
Resolution approving the settlement of the unlitigated claim filed by Zurich North America against the City and County of San Francisco for $120,000.00; the claim was filed on April 8, 2003; Claim No. 03-03317
(Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

Present: Supervisors Hall, Dufty, Gonzalez

23. 031921 [Appointment Bicycle Advisory Committee 2002]
Resolution appointing Bridget May, term ending November 19, 2004 to the Bicycle Advisory Committee 2002.
Bridget May, succeeding Michael Rauner, resigned, seat 5, must be a nominee of District 5 Supervisor; for the unexpired portion of a two-year term ending November 19, 2004.

Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

24. 031961 [Appointments to the Childhood Nutrition & Physical Activity Task Force]
Resolution appointing Dena Bushman, Manual Jiminez, Sophia Yen, Ibukun Hambolu, Esther Rothblum, Lynn Gavin, Tracy DeAmicis McMahan, Elena Andrea Escalera, Andrea Garber, Melvin Heyman and Jennifer Portnick, term ending date to be determined, to the Childhood Nutrition & Physical Activity Task Force. Residency requirement waived.
Dena Bushman, new position, seat 4, must be a person between the ages of 12 and 23, for a new one year term ending one year from the date that a quorum of the voting membership of the Task Force becomes effective.
Manual Jiminez, new position, seat 5, must be a parent or guardian, for a new one year term ending one year from the date that a quorum of the voting membership of the Task Force becomes effective.
Sophia Yen, new position, seat 6, must be a child advocate, for a new one year term ending one year from the date that a quorum of the voting membership of the Task Force becomes effective.
Ibukun Hambolu, new position, seat 7, must be a member of the San Francisco Unified School district Student Advisory Council, for a new one year term ending one year from the date that a quorum of the voting membership of the Task Force becomes effective.
Esther Rothblum, new position, seat 8, must be a member of a civil rights organization addressing weight size discrimination, for a new one year term ending one year from the date that a quorum of the voting membership of the Task Force becomes effective.
Lynn Gavin, new position, seat 9, must be a member of an organization helping all children regardless of physical, medical, or psychiatric disabilities obtain access to medical care and information, for a new one year term ending one year from the date that a quorum of the voting membership of the Task Force becomes effective.
Tracy DeAmicis McMahan, new position, seat 10, must be a pediatrician, for a new one year term ending one year from the date that a quorum of the voting membership of the Task Force becomes effective.
Elena Andrea Escalera, (residency requirement waived) new position, seat 11, must be a child psychologist with expertise in eating disorders, for a new one year term ending one year from the date that a quorum of the voting membership of the Task Force becomes effective.
Andrea Garber, new position, seat 12, must belong to a research organization with expertise in childhood nutrition and physical fitness, for a new one year term ending one year from the date that a quorum of the voting membership of the Task Force becomes effective.
Melvin Heyman, new position, seat 13, must be a public policy professional with an expertise in health and legislation, for a new one year term ending one year from the date that a quorum of the voting membership of the Task Force becomes effective.
Jennifer Portnick, new position, seat 16, must be a member from an organization that implements size-neutral youth physical activity programs, for a new one year term ending one year from the date that a quorum of the voting membership of the Task Force becomes effective.

Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

Questions on the Consent Agenda are on final passage, first reading, or adoption, as indicated:______________________________________________



Recommendations of the Land Use Committee
Present: Supervisors McGoldrick, Maxwell

25. 021575 [General Plan Amendments - 888 Howard Street Hotel] Supervisors Daly, Sandoval
Ordinance amending the San Francisco General Plan in connection with approval of the 888 Howard Street Hotel Project by amending Map 1 (Downtown Land Use and Density Plan) and Map 5 of the Downtown Area Plan of the General Plan to reclassify the use designation of the property located at 888 Howard Street, Lot 066 in Assessor's Block 3724, from C-3-S to C-3-S(SU) and the height and bulk of the property from 160-F to 320-S; adopting findings. (Planning Department)
11/18/2003, SUBSTITUTED. Supervisor Daly submitted a substitute ordinance bearing new title.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

26. 021576 [Zoning Map Amendments - 888 Howard Street Hotel] Supervisors Daly, Sandoval, McGoldrick, Maxwell
Ordinance amending Sheets 1 and 1H of the Zoning Map of the City and County of San Francisco for property located at 888 Howard Street, Lot 066 in Assessor's Block 3724, to change the height and bulk limits of the property from 160-F To 320-S and to change the use district from C-3-S to C-3-S (SU); adopting findings. (Planning Department)
(Planning Commission Resolution #16437 approving Reclassification Application No. 2000.790ZM dated 5/23/02; Resolution #16420 approving Planning Code Text Amendments and Reclassification Application No. 2000.790TZM on 6/6/02; Motion #16323 and Resolution #16435 approving CEQA findings for Application No. 2000.790E on 5/23/02; Motion #16436 approving Conditional Use Application No. 2000.961C on 5/23/02; Motion #16421 approving Section 309 Application No. 2000.790X on 6/6/02; Final Environmental Impact Report dated 1/10/02; Case No. 2000.790EKXCTZM; companion measure to Files 021575, and 021577.)

Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

27. 021577 [Planning Code Amendments in connection with 888 Howard Street Hotel Project] Supervisors Daly, Sandoval, McGoldrick, Maxwell
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Planning Code by amending Sections 102.9, 123, Table 124 and Section 138 and by adding new Section 247, to create a C-3-S(SU) Downtown Support Special Use District within the C-3-S zoning district to allow development of a Hotel Project with a basic and maximum floor area ratio (after purchase of all market-rate, available Transfer Development Rights within the C-3-S zoning district or contribution of an equivalent amount of money under specified conditions) of 7.5 to 1, to include the new C-3-S(SU) zoning district within the definition of "gross floor area" and to provide that the minimum open space requirement for the new C-3-S(SU) zoning district is one square foot for every 50 gross square feet of uses; adopting findings. (Planning Department)
11/18/2003, SUBSTITUTED. Supervisor Daly submitted a substitute ordinance bearing new tile.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be FINALLY PASSED?

28. 031917 [Parking Regulations]
Resolution enacting and rescinding parking regulations at various locations.

States Street, north side, from Corona Heights Playground to a point 26 feet westerly. (Parking and Traffic Department)
(9/25/03: Categorically exempt from Environmental Review Class 1(c)(9) changes in the traffic and parking regulations where such changes do not establish a higher speed limit or result in more than a negligible increase in the use of the street; DPW Order No. 2692; No Public Benefit Recipient.)

11/18/2003, CONTINUED. Supervisor Dufty, seconded by Supervisor Maxwell, moved to continue the divided matter to December 9, 2003.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?


Recommendations of the Finance and Audits Committee
Present: Supervisors Peskin, Sandoval, Gonzalez

29. 031747 [Revising permit fee and planning review surcharges applicable to permits and review activities subject to review by the Board of Appeals] Supervisor Peskin
Ordinance amending the Administrative Code by amending Section 10G.1 to correct erroneous Planning and Building Code citations, revising permit surcharges on permits issued by the Department of Building Inspection, the Taxi Commission, the Police Department and the Department of Public Works permits where such permits are subject to appeal before the Board of Appeals, revising the surcharge on fees imposed by the Planning Department for review of permits where such permits are subject to appeal before the Board of Appeals, and making environmental findings.
Question: Shall this Ordinance be PASSED ON FIRST READING?

30. 031726 [Amendment to Paratransit Broker Contract]
Resolution approving Contract Amendment No. 3 to Paratransit Broker Agreement with ATC/Vancom, Inc., the City's Paratransit Broker, to increase the total amount of the Agreement to a sum not to exceed $77,333,277, in order to meet the increased demand and costs for paratransit service during the contract period. (Municipal Transportation Agency)
(Fiscal impact; Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

31. 031812 [Increasing civil filing and appearance fees provided in Business and Professions Code for operation of the Law Library] Supervisor Dufty
Resolution increasing civil filing and appearance fees provided in Business and Professions Code Sections 6321, 6322 and 6322.1 for operation of the Law Library.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

32. 031831 [Agreement to exchange real property related to the former Central Freeway parcels in the Hayes Valley neighborhood]
Resolution approving and authorizing agreements for the exchange of certain real property known generally as a portion of Block 761, Lot 23 with the State of California; for those certain parcels described generally as portions of Block 792, Lot 28, Block 808, Lot 36, and Block 785, Lot 29; adopting findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act; adopting findings that the conveyance is consistent with the City's general plan and eight priority policies of City Planning Code section 101.1; and authorizing the Director of Property to execute documents and take certain actions in furtherance of this resolution. (Real Estate Department)
(Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

SPECIAL ORDER 3:30 P.M. - Recognition of Commendations


Board of Supervisors Sitting as a Committee of the Whole

33. 031846 [Hearing - Ground Lease of Redevelopment Agency Land for Plaza Apartments]
Hearing of persons interested in or objecting to proposed resolution approving the Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco's lease of land at Assessor's Block 3725, Lot 025, commonly known as 988-992 Howard Street, to Plaza Apartments Associates, L.P., a California Limited Partnership, for 55 years for the purpose of developing housing for very low-income senior households. (Clerk of the Board)

Committee of the Whole Rise and Report Without Recommendation

34. 031847 [Ground Lease of Redevelopment Agency Land for Plaza Apartments] Supervisor Gonzalez
Resolution approving the Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco's lease of land at Assessor's Block 3725, Lot 025, commonly known as 988-992 Howard Street, to Plaza Apartments Associates, L.P., a California Limited Partnership, for 55 years for the purpose of developing housing for very low-income senior households.
(Fiscal impact.)

Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

An opportunity for members of the public to directly address the Board on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board, including items being considered today which have not been considered by a Board committee and excluding items which have been considered by a Board committee. Members of the public may address the Board for up to three minutes. Each member of the public will be allotted the same number of minutes to speak, except that public speakers using translation assistance will be allowed to testify for twice the amount of the public testimony time limit. If simultaneous translation services are used, speakers will be governed by the public testimony time limit applied to

Recommendation of the Rules Committee
Present: Supervisors Hall, Dufty, Gonzalez

36. 031885 [Settlement of Claim] Supervisor Hall
Resolution approving the settlement of the unlitigated claim of Louise Renne, Patrick Devlin, June Lilienthal, Virginia Leishman, Charles Meyers, Alene Meyers, Charles Levinson, and Robert Neal against San Francisco, relating to the use of tobacco settlement revenues by the Department of Public Health; material terms of said settlement are contained in the amended Settlement Agreement on file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?



37. 031953 [Closed Session - Existing Unlitigated Claim, City as Defendant]
Motion that the Board of Supervisors convene in closed session with the City Attorney for the purpose of conferring with, or receiving advice from, the City Attorney regarding the following claim and/or potential litigation filed against the City and County of San Francisco by plaintiffs who have challenged the validity of Ordinance No. 191-03, an Ordinance approving the transfer of tobacco settlement revenues, on the ground that it violates Proposition A, the initiative ordinance adopted by the voters in 1999 that authorizes the issuance of General Obligation bonds for the Laguna Honda Hospital project.

Louise Renne, et al. V. City and County of San Francisco
Unlitigated Claim

The Closed Session is permitted by California Government Code Section 54956.9 (b) and Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance) Section 67.10 (d) (1), and discussion in open session concerning this matter would likely and unavoidably prejudice the position of the City in the pending claim and/or potential litigation. (City Attorney)
Action: _____________________________________________

After a closed session, if one occurs, the President shall (1) request the Deputy City Attorney to identify the subjects discussed in the closed session, and (2) direct the Clerk of the Board to report the vote taken on any motion in the closed session.

[Elect To Disclose]
Motion that the Board finds it is in the public interest to disclose information discussed in closed session, and directs the President immediately to disclose that information.

[Elect Not to Disclose]
Motion that the Board finds that it is in the best interest of the public that the Board elect at this time not to disclose its closed session deliberations concerning the existing litigation listed above.

These measures are introduced for adoption without committee reference. A unanimous vote is required for adoption of a resolution today. Any Supervisor may require any resolution to go to committee.

Items 38 through 48

38. 031945 [Preparation of written Proponent ballot arguments and rebuttal ballot arguments for Charter Amendments approved by the Board of Supervisors for submittal to the voters at the March 2, Supervisor Gonzalez
Motion authorizing preparation of written Proponent ballot arguments and rebuttal ballot arguments for Charter Amendments approved by the Board of Supervisors for submittal to the voters at the March 2, 2004 election
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

39. 031938 ["STOP" Intersection] Supervisor Newsom
Resolution designating Jefferson and Webster intersection as a one-way "STOP" intersection.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

40. 031939 [Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Employee Free Choice Act: HR3619] Supervisors Sandoval, Maxwell
Resolution urging San Francisco employers to abide by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and urging the 108th United States Congress to pass the Employee Free Choice Act.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

41. 031940 [Prevailing Wage Law] Supervisor Ma
Resolution supporting the California Legislature's conclusion that the prevailing wage law addresses statewide concerns.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

42. 031941 [Commending Raoul Wallenberg] Supervisor Sandoval
Resolution commending the Raoul Wallenberg Jewish Democratic Club for providing a strong voice for the Jewish community in local politics and within the larger Democratic Party for the last twenty years.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

43. 031942 [Emergency Communications Department Annual Report] Supervisor Ma
Resolution approving the printing of not more than 100 hard copies of the Emergency Communications Department Annual Report for FY 2002-2003.
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

44. 031943 [Designation of 2550 Mission Street, the New Mission Theater, as a Landmark] Supervisor Ammiano
Resolution initiating the designation of 2550 Mission Street, the New Mission Theater, Block 3616, Lot 007, as a landmark pursuant to Section 1004.1 of the Planning Code.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

45. 031944 [Traffic Regulation - Maiden Lane] Supervisor Peskin
Resolution Enacting "Street Closed To Vehicular Traffic" Regulation on Maiden Lane, Between Stockton and Kearny Streets, From 11 A.M. to 5 P.M., Every Day Including Holidays.
Question: Shall this Resolution be ADOPTED?

46. 031911 [Final Map for a 10 Unit Live/Work Condominium Project]
Motion approving Final Map of 993 Tennessee Street, A Live/Work Condominium Project, being a subdivision of Lot 19 in Assessor's Block No. 4108, and adopting findings pursuant to Planning Code Section 101.1. (Public Works Department)
(No Public Benefit Recipient; DPW Order No. 174,532; District 10.)

Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

47. 031959 [Final Map for a 5 Unit Mixed Use Condominium Project]
Motion approving Final Map of 2773 Folsom Street, a Mixed Use Condominium Project, being a subdivision of Lot 27 Assessor's Block No. 3640, and adopting findings pursuant to Planning Code Section 101.1. (Public Works Department)
(No Public Benefit Recipient; DPW Order No. 174,501; District 9.)

Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

48. 031922 [Needle Exchange Emergency] Supervisors Ammiano, Newsom, Daly, Peskin, McGoldrick, Maxwell, Dufty
Motion concurring in the determination of the Mayor for the continued need for the declaration of emergency in connection with the needle exchange program.
Question: Shall this Motion be ADOPTED?

Questions on the For Adoption Without Committee Reference Agenda:_________________________________________

Resolution(s), if any, to be adopted within limits imposed by the Sunshine Ordinance and the Ralph M. Brown Act, introduced today, not on the printed agenda. For such resolutions to be considered, the Board must first adopt the Serious Injury Finding or the Purely Commendatory Finding and the Brown Act Finding.Each motion requires 8 votes or a unanimous 6 or 7. A unanimous vote is required for the resolution(s).

[Serious Injury Finding]
Motion that the Board find that for the resolution(s) being considered at this time "the need to take action is so imperative as to threaten serious injury to the public interest if action is deferred to a later meeting."

[Purely Commendatory Finding]
Motion that the Board find that the resolution(s) being considered at this time are purely commendatory.

[Brown Act Finding]
Motion that the Board find by roll call vote that for the resolutions being considered at this time there is a need to take immediate action and the need to take action came to the attention of the City and County of San Francisco after the agenda was posted.

[Imperative Resolutions, if any]


Proposed ordinances received from November 18, 2003 through noon on December 1, 2003, for reference by President to appropriate committee on December 9, 2003.

031912 [Settlement of Lawsuit - Leo Rivkin]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Leo Rivkin against the City and County of San Francisco for $110,000; the lawsuit was filed on February 22, 2001 in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. 319-085; entitled Leo Rivkin, et al., v. City and County of San Francisco, et al. (City Attorney)
(Public Benefit Recipient.)

11/24/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee.

031913 [Settlement of Lawsuit - Janet Prieto]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Janet Prieto against the City and County of San Francisco for $85,000; the lawsuit was filed on January 2, 2002 in the San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. 403048; entitled Janet V. Prieto v. City and County of San Francisco, et al. (City Attorney)
(Public Benefit Recipient.)

11/24/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee.

031946 [Settlement of Lawsuit - Billy Clark]
Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Billy Clark against the City and County of San Francisco for $50,000; the lawsuit was filed on November 16, 2001 in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. 401-372; entitled Billy Clark v. City and County of San Francisco, et al. (City Attorney)
(Public Benefit Recipient.)

12/1/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee.

031957 [Mission Bay Owens Street at Park P1 Improvements]
Ordinance designating a portion of State Trust Parcel 2 adjacent to Park P1 for public right-of-way purposes; approving a map showing such areas and declaring such areas to be open public right-of-way; naming the new right-of-way (Channel); designating street grades, sidewalk widths, and street parking restrictions; accepting the irrevocable offer for the acquisition facilities; designating said facilities to public use and accepting for maintenance responsibilities and liability purposes, subject to specified limitations; accepting an agreement relating to temporary City access, subject to specified limitations; adopting findings that such actions are consistent with the City's General Plan, eight priority policy findings of City Planning Code section 101.1, and the Mission Bay South Redevelopment Plan; accepting Department of Public Works Order No. 174,529 and authorizing official acts in connection with this ordinance. (Public Works Department)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

11/24/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.

031958 [Mission Bay Third Street/16th Street Utility Project]
Ordinance recommending the recordation of the conditional irrevocable offer of portions of property adjacent to Third Street; accepting portions of the irrevocable offer for the joint trench acquisition facilities and rejecting the offer of the Pacific Gas & Electric facilities; dedicating said accepted acquisition facilities for right-of-way purposes; designating said accepted acquisition facilities for public use and designating said accepted acquisition facilities for maintenance purposes; accepting the Easement Agreement for public utility purposes; adopting findings that such actions are consistent with the City's General Plan, eight priority policy findings of City's Planning Code section 101.1, and the Mission Bay South Redevelopment Plan; accepting Department of Public Works Order No. 174,530; and authorizing official acts in connection with this ordinance. (Public Works Department)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

11/24/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.

031960 [Establishing administrative penalties and procedures for violations of the full-time driving requirement and for violations of the Taxi Commission's rules and regulations]
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Police Code by adding Sections 1186, 1187, and 1188, to restate the full-time driving requirement, and to establish administrative penalties and procedures for violations of the full-time driving requirement and for violations of the Taxi Commission's rules and regulations. (Taxi Commission)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

11/25/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee.

Proposed resolutions received from November 18, 2003 through December 1, 2003, for reference by President to appropriate committee on December 9, 2003.

031856 [Demonstrate the use of rapid HIV testing to improve outcomes in partner counseling and referral services] Supervisor Dufty
Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH), to accept retroactively and expend a grant in the amount of $393,478 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to use rapid HIV testing to improve outcomes in partner counseling and referral services and to enter into an agreement for the use of these funds; for the period of September 15, 2003, to September 14, 2005. (Public Health Department)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

11/17/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee.

031857 [Supplemental funds to assess HIV risk behaviors and trends, evaluate impact of prevention efforts] Supervisor Dufty
Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) to accept and expend retroactively one-time supplemental grant funds in the total amount of $211,279 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under the CDC HIV/AIDS Surveillance and Seroprevalence Cooperative Agreements U62/CCU906255-12-2 and U62/CCU906255-12-4 to support HIV/AIDS surveillance activities and assess risks and benefits associated with testing results and to enter into agreements for the use of these funds; for the period of June 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003. (Public Health Department)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

11/17/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee.

031897 [Grant of Federal Funds]
Resolution authorizing the Municipal Transportation Agency to accept and expend $1,475,374 of New Start Federal Capital Assistance for the Third Street - Phase II, Central Subway project, excluding administrative overhead costs. (Municipal Transportation Agency)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

11/21/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.

031898 [Grant of Federal Funds]
Resolution authorizing the Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors to accept and expend $4,918,393 of Federal Earmarked Capital Assistance for design and construction of Muni's Islais Creek Facility and security-related activities. (Municipal Transportation Agency)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

11/21/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.

031899 [Accept-Expend Federal Grant]
Resolution authorizing the Municipal Transportation Agency to accept retroactively and expend a grant in the amount of $123,600 from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for development and production of the Municipal Railway's Short Range Transit Plans for Fiscal Year 2002 and Fiscal Year 2004. (Municipal Transportation Agency)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

11/21/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Land Use Committee.

031900 [Accept-Expend Federal/State Pass Through Grant] Supervisor Dufty
Resolution authorizing the Department of Public Library to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $10,034 from the California State Library as part of the Federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) for reimbursing tuition expenses of library employees pursuing a degree or certificate in library science at an institution of higher education. (Public Library)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

11/19/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee.
12/1/2003, REFERRED TO DEPARTMENT. Referred to Youth Commission for review and comments.

031901 [Proposed Expenditure of California Healthcare for Indigents Program (CHIP) funds for Fiscal Year 2003-04]
Resolution authorizing adoption of the County Description of Proposed Expenditure of California Healthcare for Indigents (CHIP) funds for Fiscal Year 2003-04 and that the President or duly authorized representative of the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco can certify the County Description of Proposed Expenditure of CHIP funds for the Fiscal Year 2003-04. (Public Health Department)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

11/21/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee. Department requests this item be scheduled for consideration at the December 10, 2003 meeting.

031915 [Accept-Expend State Grant] Supervisor Dufty
Resolution authorizing the Department of Public Library to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $5,000 from the California State Library for the purpose of enriching the learning experience of the students in Project Read's Adult Literacy Program with periodic book discussions. (Public Library)
(No Public Benefit Recipient.)

11/24/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee.
12/1/2003, REFERRED TO DEPARTMENT. Referred to Youth Commission for review and comment.

031947 [Expand supportive housing services to the homeless in San Francisco]
Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Department of Public Health, Housing and Urban Health (SFDPH) to accept retroactively and expend a grant in the amount of $745,125 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to expand supportive housing services to the homeless in San Francisco and to enter into an agreement for the use of these funds; for the period of September 30, 2003 to September 29, 2004. (Public Health Department)
(Public Benefit Recipient.)

12/1/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to City Services Committee.

031962 [Contracting Out Own Recognizance, Pretrial Diversion, and Misdemeanant Services]
Resolution approving the Controller's certification that own recognizance release, pretrial court diversion, and supervised misdemeanant services provided to arrested persons in the City and County of San Francisco can be practically performed by private contractors at a lower cost for the year commencing July 1, 2003 than if work were performed by City and County employees. (Sheriff)
(Public Benefit Recipient.)

11/24/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Finance and Audits Committee. Department requests this item be scheduled for consideration at the December 10, 2003 meeting.

Proposed motions received from November 18, 2003 through December 1, 2003, for reference by President to appropriate committee on December 9, 2003.

031864 [Appointment, Public Utilities Commission]
Motion approving the Mayor's appointment of Ryan Brooks to the Public Utilities Commission, for the term ending January 15, 2004. (Mayor)
Charter Section 3.100-17 provides that the Board of Supervisors has the authority to reject the appointment by two-thirds vote of the Board (eight votes) within 30 days following transmittal of the Mayor's Notice of appointment, and that failure of the Board to reject the appointment by two-thirds vote within the thirty day period shall result in the appointee continuing to serve as appointed.
Transmittal date - November 20, 2003.

11/20/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee.

031865 [Appointment, Public Utilities Commission]
Motion rejecting the Mayor's appointment of Ryan Brooks to the Public Utilities Commission. (Mayor)
11/20/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee.

031896 [Appointment, Public Utilities Commission]
Motion taking no position concerning the Mayor's appointment of Ryan Brooks to the Public Utilities Commission, for term ending January 15, 2004. (Mayor)
11/20/2003, RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED to Rules Committee.

031966 [Petitions and Communications]
Petitions and Communications received from November 18, 2003 through December 1, 2003 for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on December 9, 2003.

From Andrew Lee, submitting his resignation from the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, effective immediately.(1)

From John Barry, submitting opposition to the appointment of Adam Werbach to the Public Utilities Commission.(2)

From concerned citizens, submitting support for the appointment of Adam Werbach to the Public Utilities Commission.(3)

From Brian Murphy O'Flynn, submitting opposition to the City of San Francisco exercising the power of eminent domain to acquire 701 Lombard Street. File 031840, Copy: Each Supervisor(4)

From Reuben & Alter LLP, submitting opposition to the appeal of Categorical Exemption and General Rule Exclusion for property located at 937-939 Jackson Street.(5)

From Reuben & Alter LLP, urging the Board to reject the appeal and affirm the Planning Commission's certification for property located at 201 Folsom Street.(6)

From Steefel, Levitt & Weiss, urging the Board to reject the appeal of Categorical Exemption and General Rule Exclusion for property located at 300 Spear Street.(7)

From Clerk of the Board, submitting response to the 2002-03 Civil Grand Jury Report regarding the Management of the Department of Building Inspection.(8)

From Budget Analyst, submitting copy of letter sent to constituent regarding a Sunshine Ordinance Request.(9)

From Mayor's Office of Public Finance, submitting copy of Official Statement for the Refunding Settlement Obligation Bonds, Series 2003-R1. File 031498(10)

From Department of Elections, submitting copy of letter sent to constituent certifying that the "Incentives to Building Below Market Rate Housing and Exceptions to Density Restrictions Initiative Ordinance" does quality for the March 2, 2004 Consolidated Presidential Primary Election in the City and County of San Francisco.(11)

From Reuben & Alter LLP, submitting opposition to rescheduling appeal regarding Negative Declaration for 701 Lombard Street from the Board's calendar of November 25, 2003 and placing it on the December 16, 2003 agenda. File 031840, Copy: Each Supervisor(12)

From Office of the Controller, submitting report indicating that the Police Department has revoked "American Singles Education, Inc.'s" certificate to solicit funds within the City and County of San Francisco because the organization did not allow an audit of its records.(13)

From Municipal Railway General Manager's Office, regarding beverage and snack vending machine usage and preferences at the Department. (Reference No. 20030923-016)Copy: Supervisor Peskin(14)

From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding conducting a traffic study at the intersections of San Bruno and Silver Avenues, and Bayshore Boulevard and Silver Avenue, and the feasibility of installing left turn signals at these two intersections. (Reference No. 20030819-001) Copy: Supervisor Maxwell(15)

From Mayor's Office of Community Development, submitting notice that as of 2002 the responsibility for oversight of the Day Laborer Program was transferred to the Immigrant Rights Commission. File 031103, Copy: City Services Committee(16)

From Office of the City Administrator, submitting resolution of the Potrero Power Plant Citizens Advisory Task Force regarding the siting of the four combustion turbine units. Copy: Each Supervisor(17)

From Department of Elections, submitting the Official Statement of Vote for the November 4, 2003 Consolidated Municipal Election. File 031894(18)

From Pornchai Hutachinda, submitting request to exchange an existing Type 47 liquor license for a Type 48 liquor license for "The City" located at 2369-2371 Market Street, Second Floor.(19)

From State Department of Health Services, submitting notice that on January 1, 2004 a new law affecting public buildings (Assembly Bill 846) goes into effect; Assembly Bill 846 will prohibit smoking within 20 feet of main entrances, exits and operable windows of any building owned, leased, and occupied by the state, county, or city, and buildings of UC, CSU and California community colleges.(20)

From State Department of Insurance, submitting list of dates, locations and times of public hearings regarding automobile rating factors.(21)

From Lawrence P. Lin, submitting request to transfer a Type 47 and Type 48 liquor license from "Wasabi & Ginger" at 2299 Van Ness Avenue to Loop Studio Inc at 55 Natoma Street.(22)

From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to termination of Kevin Williams' position with the Human Rights Commission. Copy: Each Supervisor(23)

From Office of the City Attorney, regarding Negative Declaration for property located at 701 Lombard Street. Files 031861, 031862, 031840, 031841, 031842 (24)

From Reuben & Alter LLP, regarding Negative Declaration for property located at 701 Lombard Street. Files 031840, 031841, 031842, 031861, 031862, Copy: Each Supervisor(25)

From Utility Cost Management LLC., submitting copy of letter sent to the Water Department and the General Manager of Public Utilities Commission regarding request for refund of sewer/wastewater charges paid by the claimant to CCSF.(26)

From concerned citizens, submitting support for the City acquiring by Eminent Domain 701 Lombard Street for the Neighborhood Park Bond and Open Space Programs. File 031551(27)

From Assessor-Recorder, submitting notice that the department has no vending machines. (Reference No. 20030923-027) Copy: Each Supervisor(28)

From Office of the City Attorney, submitting monthly report of hours provided to the Board of Supervisors on confidential matters for September 2003.(29)

From Office of the City Attorney, submitting monthly report of hours provided to the Board of Supervisors for September 2003.(30)

From Emergency Communications Department, submitting request for release of reserved funds ($48,959) for salary and fringes associated with 1.00 FTE 0922 Manager 1 position.(31)

From Youth Commission, submitting support for the design and location of the proposed Mills Corporation/YMCA skate park project.(32)

From Office of the City Administrator, regarding vending machine usage in the Office of the City Administrator. (Reference No. 20030923-051)(33)

From Lorraine Okabe, regarding what city services could be affected by the loss of the Vehicle License Fee. Copy: Each Supervisor(34)

From Myrna Escobar, commenting on various issues within the San Francisco Housing Authority.(35)

From Transport Workers Union of America Local 200, regarding contract extension and pay increase for the Director of Municipal Transportation Agency.(36)

From concerned citizens, submitting support for resolution to not extend the City's exclusive negotiation rights with Mills Corporation as exclusive developer of Piers 27-31. File 031811(37)

From Mayor's Office of Community Development, submitting notice of availability of Request for Proposals (RFP).(38)

From Public Utilities Commission, regarding the potential effects the Secondary Unit Legislation (File 021598) would have on the City's water and sewer services.(39)

Public Utilities Commission
Ryan Brooks

Recreation and Park Commission
Richard Guggenhime


Meeting Procedures
The Board of Supervisors is the Legislative Body of the City and County of San Francisco. The Board considers ordinances and resolutions, most of which have been the subject of hearings before the standing committees of the board at which members of the public are urged to testify. The full Board does not hold a second public hearing on measures which have been heard in committee.
Board procedures do not permit: 1) persons in the audience to vocally express support or opposition to statements by Supervisors or by other persons testifying; 2) ringing and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices, (Violators may be removed from the meeting room.) 3) signs to be brought into the meeting or displayed in the room; and 4)standing in the Legislative Chamber.
Citizens are encouraged to testify at Board hearings and to write letters to the Board and to its members, City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244, San Francisco, CA 94102.
Agenda are available on the internet at
Board meetings are cablecast on SF Cable 26. For video tape copies and scheduling call (415) 557-4293.
Results of each Board meeting can be obtained about a half hour after the end of the meeting by telephoning (415) 554-5555.
Requests for language translation at a meeting must be received no later than noon the Friday before the meeting. Contact Ohn Myint at (415) 554-7704.
AVISO EN ESPA¥OL: La solicitud para un traductor en una reunion debe recibirse antes de mediodia de el viernes anterior a la reunion. Llame a Erasmo Vazquez (415) 554-4909.
Translation: request at least 48 hours before the meeting. Please call: (415) 554-7701
Disability access
The Legislative Chamber of the Board of Supervisors is in Room 250 of City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place. The Chamber is wheelchair accessible.
The closest accessible BART Station is Civic Center, three blocks from City Hall. Accessible MUNI lines serving this location are: #47 Van Ness, and the #71 Haight/Noriega and the F Line to Market and Van Ness and the Metro stations at Van Ness and Market and at Civic Center. For more information about MUNI accessible services, call 923-6142.
There is accessible parking in the vicinity of City Hall at Civic Center Plaza and adjacent to Davies Hall and the War Memorial Complex.
All meetings are real-time captioned and are cablecast open-captioned on SF Cable 26.
The following services are available when requests are made by 4:00 p.m. of the Friday before the Board meeting. This advance notice will help ensure availability.
ú For American Sign Language interpreters or use of a reader during a meeting, contact Ohn Myint at (415) 554-7704.
ú For a large print copy of agenda or minutes in alternative formats, contact Annette Lonich at (415) 554-7706.
Assistive listening devices are available from the receptionist in the Clerk of the Board's Office, Room 244, prior to the meeting.
The Clerk of the Board's Office TTY number is (415) 554-5227.
In order to accommodate persons with severe allergies, environmental illness, multiple chemical sensitivity or related disabilities, attendees at public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical based products.

Know Your Rights Under the Sunshine Ordinance
Government's duty is to serve the public, reaching its decision in full view of the public. Commissions, boards, councils and other agencies of the City and County exist to conduct the people's business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people's review.
For information on your rights under the Sunshine Ordinance (Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code) or to report a violation of the ordinance, contact Donna Hall by mail to Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244, San Francisco CA 94102, by phone at (415) 554-7724, by fax at (415) 554-7854 or by email at
Citizens may obtain a free copy of the Sunshine Ordinance by contacting Ms. Hall or by printing Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code on the Internet, at

Lobbyist Registration and Reporting Requirements
Individuals and entities that influence or attempt to influence local legislative or administrative action may be required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance [SF Campaign & Governmental Conduct Code Sec. 2.100] to register and report lobbying activity. For more information about the Lobbyist Ordinance, please contact the San Francisco Ethics Commission at 30 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 3900, San Francisco, CA 94102; telephone (415) 581-2300; fax (415) 581-2317; web site

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