Supervisor Ahsha Safai - COVID19 Update 03192020 Newsletter

Legislative Update

March 19, 2020 


A Message From The Supervisor:

As our City is coping with the effects of the novel coronavirus ("COVID-19"), I wanted to write each of you to let you know that my office will be in constant communication to ensure that you all have the most up-to-date information. Lastly, please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions, comments, or feedback, simply write to and we will immediately respond. 

Thank you all for your time, we will get through this collectively. 


Sincerely, Supervisor Ahsha Safai 
Legislative Update
*This information is current as of today (March 19,2020)

1.) Local -- San Francisco  

A. COVID-19 Small Business Resiliency Fund

Mayor London Breed has set-aside $10 million dollars exclusively for San Francisco's small business owners. The fund is managed by the Invest In Neighborhoods Division of the Office of Economic Workforce and Development and the name of the fund is the "COVID-19 Small Business Resiliency Fund" and it allows for impacted small business owners to access up to $10,000 for employee salaries and rent.

For more information, please visit: 

B. Small- and Medium-Sized Business Eviction Moratorium 
Under normal California law, local jurisdictions are prevented from regulating commercial evictions but because on March 16, 2020 California Governor Gavin Newsom, and the February 25, 2020 Local Emergency declared by Mayor Breed, this local moratorium can be issued. What does this mean? This means that there will be a moratorium for 30 days, please note that the moratorium can be extended by the Mayor for another 30 days through Executive Order. To benefit from this moratorium you have to be a business owner with a business license to operate in San Francisco and have less than $25 million in annual gross receipts.  

Link to the Governor's Executive Order: 

C. One-Stop Shop For San Francisco's Small Business Owners

The City has launched a website to serve as a one-stop shop for all contacts, resources, and updates for or small business owners.

For more information and to stay up-to-date, please click here: 

D. Deferment of Specific Taxes 

The City and County of San Francisco has opted to defer payment of Gross Receipts Tax, Payroll Expense Tax, Commercial Rents Tax, and the Homelessness Gross Receipts Tax for businesses with gross receipts of $10 million or less. Please note, however, this does not mean that the taxes will not be due, the taxes will be due with the rest of the 2020 tax payments. 

For more information, please click here: 

2. California-Specific Programs For Workers and Small Business Owners Impacted By COVID-19           

 A. Disability Insurance 

Disability Insurance is offered to individuals who are unable to work because of a medical quarantine or illness that is related to COVID-19. Note, the benefits package is contingent on the individual's income and ranges from $50.00 to $1,300.00 and it is for up to six (6) weeks. 

For more information, please click here: 

B. Unemployment Insurance: 

The State of California is now offering Unemployment Insurance to individuals who have lost their job or had their hours reduced because of COVID-19. The benefits package ranges anywhere from $40.00 to $450.00 a week for up to twenty-six (26) weeks, please note that Governor Gavin Newsom has waived the one-week unpaid waiting period so that workers can immediately collect their much-needed benefits the first week they are out of work.  

For more information, please click here: 

C. The Work Sharing Program

The Work Sharing Program is being offered to companies as an alternative to layoffs, it allows employees to receive unemployment benefits while still keeping their current jobs. 

For more information, please click here: 

D. Paid Family Leave 

Paid family leave is being offered to people who are unable to work because they are caring for a quarantined or ill family member. The benefit will range from $50.00 to $1,300.00 a week. 

For more information, please click here: 

E. Cash-Strapped Businesses 

California's Small Business Finance Center has partnered with local financial corporations to provide direct loans to small businesses struggling with cash flow because of COVID-19.

To get more information, please click here: 

3. Taxes

A. Federal Taxes

On March 18, 2020, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Trump administration announced that a majority of individuals and businesses will be allowed to delay paying their federal tax bills for 90 days as part of an emergency relief plan in response to COVID-19. What does this mean? Taxes are annually due April 15, this does not change that, you still should file your taxes by April 15. What changed? The 90-day extension is only for the money that is due, those delayed payments are now due July 15, 2020.  Who is eligible? Any person who owes less than $1 million, and corporations that owe up to $10 million will also be able to defer payment. Please note, that the details of this program are still being fine tuned.

In other words, you still have to file on time -- the traditional April 15 date -- but the extension to delay your payment has been extended by 90 days provided you meet the above-noted requirements. 

For more information, please click here: 

B. California or State Taxes: 

On March 19,2020, California State Controller Betty Yee announced that the state tax deadline has been extended to July 15, 2020.  

For more information, please click here: 
Legislative Update
Legislative Update

San Francisco's Shelter-In-Place (Stay-at-Home) Health Order: 

On March 16, 2020, the City issued a Public Health Order requiring people to stay at home ("shelter-in-place") except for essential needs, the order is in effect until April 7, 2020 and may be extended if necessary. 

To read the Health Order, please click here: 

To stay up-to-date regarding the City's guidelines, orders, or regulations, please click here: 

California Statewide Order To Stay-At-Home:

On March 19, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom issued a statewide stay-at-home order, effective at midnight, in an attempt to slow down the spread of the COVID-19. 

To read the Executive Order, please click here: 

For more general information and to stay up-to-date as to how long this order will be in place, please click here: 

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1 Dr Carlton B Goodlett Place, San Francisco, California, 94102 United States

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