Petitions and Communications received from January 24, 2006 through January 30, 2006, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on February 7, 2006.
From Municipal Transportation Agency, submitting request for waiver of Administrative Code Sections 12B and 12C for the Ramada Plaza International.(1)
From Law Offices of Stephen Williams, regarding continuance of appeal for property located at 730 Great Highway. File 051852, Copy: Each Supervisor(2)
From Michael Faklis, regarding the need for public access television oversight review and reform. Copy: Each Supervisor(3)
From Municipal Transportation Agency, regarding changing the name of 16th Street, between Pond and Prosper Streets to Jose Sarria Court.(4)
From Law Offices of Hanson and Bridgett, submitting materials regarding the Planning Department's decision to exempt categorically from CEQA review the addition of a master suite on the second floor of property located at 1043-45 Francisco Street. File 052035, Copy: Each Supervisor(5)
From Breall & Breall, LLP, regarding the grant agreement between CCSF and the Chinese Chamber of Commerce/Chinese New Year Parade, July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006. File 060019, Each Supervisor, City Attorney(6)
From Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector, submitting the Bureau of Delinquent Revenue quarterly report for October 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005.(7)
From Office of the City Administrator, regarding the steps being taken to reorganize departments, per Section 14(b) of the Annual Appropriation Ordinance. Copy: Each Supervisor(8)
From Alice B. Toklas Democratic Club, submitting support for proposed legislation to implement public financing of mayoral elections in San Francisco. File 051773, Copy: Budget Committee(9)
From Charles Marsteller, submitting list of the participants in the Better Neighborhoods Plus Consensus Working Group. File 050601, Copy: Land Use Committee(10)
From Charles Marsteller, submitting copy of the Seattle Neighborhoods Planning Element. File 050601, Copy: Land Use Committee(11)
From Planning Department, regarding the Categorical Exemption from environmental review for 1043-1045 Francisco Street. File 052035, Copy: Each Supervisor, City Attorney(12)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to the vacation of a portion of Bernal Heights Boulevard west of Moultrie Street; and the transfer of jurisdiction from the Department of Public Works to the Recreation and Parks Department. Files 050852, 050851(13)
From Civil Service Commission, regarding Civil Service Commission and the Department of Human Resources reviewing and revising current policies and procedures so that people who have been in prison or convicted of criminal activity are not unreasonably denied City employment. (Reference No. 20060110-015) Copy: Supervisor Ammiano(14)
From SF Environment, submitting notice that the Urban Forest Council is prepared to ensure adoption of uniform criteria for designating landmark trees and procedures for their removal in accordance with the Public Works Code. File 051458(15)
From County of Humboldt, Board of Supervisors, submitting copy of letter sent to the Mayor regarding homeless individuals being sent to Humboldt County through San Francisco's "Homeward Bound" Program.Copy: Each Supervisor(16)
From Charles & Ann Bowman, submitting opposition to the City penalizing elderly people for installing a railing on the Filbert Street steps.(17)
From Police Commission, submitting notice that Commissioner Theresa Sparks will serve as Vice President of the Police Commission to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Commission-Vice President Gayle Orr-Smith. Copy: Each Supervisor(18)
From Office of the Controller, submitting the Biannual Overtime Report pursuant to Administrative Code Section 18.13-5.(19)
From Office of the Controller, submitting authorization for the San Francisco Finance Corporation to issue Lease Revenue Bonds, Series 2006A. File 060064, Copy: Budget Committee(20)
From Clerk of the Board, submitting quarterly report on departmental spending pursuant to Administrative Code Section 10.19-5.(21)
From Councilwoman Jacquie Sullivan, County of Bakersfield, regarding displaying "In God We Trust" in every City Hall in America.(22)
From Christian Holmer, regarding letter from the City Attorney to the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force and the Board of Supervisors.(23)
From Angela Hu & K. Koh, submitting two letters regarding Falun Gong. Files 060019 and 060026(24)
From Planning Department, submitting notice that the "Better Neighborhoods Planning and Implementation Process" ordinance does not require additional review or hearing by the Planning Commission. File 050601, Copy: Land Use Committee(25)
From Planning Department, recommending that the Board of Supervisors defer action on the proposed ordinance, "Better Neighborhoods Planning and Implementation Process" including the proposed amendments, until the pending Housing Study is completed. File 051668, Copy: Land Use Committee (26)
From Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods, regarding oversight of the account from garbage rates. Copy: Each Supervisor(27)
From Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods, urging the Board of Supervisors to select new leadership for the San Francisco County Transportation Authority Board. Copy: Each Supervisor(28)
From Wilma Parker, submitting copy of letter sent to Supervisor Daly regarding his intent to add another seat to the South of Market Project Area Committee (SOMPAC). Copy: Supervisor Daly(29)
From D. Carson, submitting opposition to resolution urging Superintendent Ackerman to forego the provision in her current contract for a $375,000 severance package. File 051580(30)
From State Senate Rules Committee, submitting appointment of William Jones of Fresno to the California Bay-Delta Authority.(31)
From Riki Sarah Dennis, concerning her experience at the Tom Waddell Clinic. Copy: Each Supervisor(32)
From Harvey Sherback, submitting copy of the speech he gave at the Treasure Island Development Authority, Board of Directors meeting on January 23, 2006.(33)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to San Francisco adopting the Seattle Seahawks as the official football team for San Francisco. File 060072, Copy: Each Supervisor(34)
From Human Services Commission, regarding the Human Services Care Fund for fiscal year 2005-06 and the annual projection for fiscal year 2006-07.(35)
From State Senate Rules Committee, submitting appointment of Bridgett Thompson of San Francisco to the State Department of Conservation.(36)
From Barry Sullivan, commenting that the Muni system is totally mismanaged, and that people from Marin and the East Bay can get to work downtown faster than a San Francisco resident can get to work on Muni.Copy: Each Supervisor(37)
From Stephen & Irene Halpern, requesting an ordinance be passed that would impose a large fine on storekeepers, restaurateurs and fast food joint operators who allow garbage to accumulate in front of their businesses. Copy: Each Supervisor(38)
From John Ruzicka, commenting that the Falun Gong movement is anti-gay. File 060026, Copy: Each Supervisor(39)
From Serena Bardell, regarding recruiting residents for the one-year San Francisco Civil Grand Jury. Copy: Each Supervisor(40)
From Ivan Velinov, submitting support for Supervisor Daly and everything he is doing for San Francisco, including his support of Falun Gong. File 060026, Copy: Each Supervisor(41)
From Peggy Yamada, regarding the issue of spending money on bottled water.
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