Petitions and Communications received from January 31, 2006 through February 6, 2006, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on February 14, 2006.
From Kimo Crossman, submitting suggestions on how to save $25,000 in the budget and protect the public's Internet privacy and get WiFi for all public library branches.(1)
From SF Unified School District, submitting spending plan for the Public Education Enrichment Fund for fiscal year 2006-07.(2)
From Marilyn Amini, requesting the "Better Neighborhoods Planning and Implementation Process" be referred to the Planning Commission for Commission consideration. File 050601(3)
From Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods, urging the Board to vote no on the proposed "Better Neighborhoods" Ordinance and urging no action be taken on the proposed amendment of the whole. Files 050601(4)
From Sue Hestor, submitting a brief supporting the appeal for property located at 2660 Harrison Street. Files 051936, 051991, Copy: Each Supervisor (5)
From Supervisor Maxwell, submitting copy of letter sent to the Budget Committee regarding proposed amendment of the whole for the "Deemed Approved " Ordinance. File 051792(6)
From City College of San Francisco, submitting support for proposed Charter amendment that would increase the monthly stipends of members of the Board of Trustees of the SF Community College District and members of the SF Unified School District Board of Education.Copy: Each Supervisor(7)
From Office of the Controller, thanking Supervisor Dufty for agreeing to serve as Supervisor Peskin's designee on the Municipal Transportation Agency's Policy Advisory Groups Transit Effectiveness Project.(8)
From Mark Baird, wondering why the traffic lights that were installed on Mississippi, 7th and 16th Streets haven't been turned on.(9)
From Round the Diamond, Consulting and Educational Services, submitting suggestions and proposals to the proposed Charter amendment regarding Port Commission qualifications and term limits for Port Commission members. File 052011(10)
From the SF Architectural Heritage, submitting support for the recent inclusion of language which requires Historic and Cultural Resource Surveys in the Better Neighborhoods Planning Process. File 050601, Copy: Land Use Committee(11)
From Department of Public Works, submitting corrected letter for project at 283 Cresta Vista.(12)
From Office of the Controller, submitting the Six-Month Budget Status Report for fiscal year 2005-06.(13)
From Mary Helen Briscoe, explaining why she and her neighbors are against the "Tree and Beauty Tax" Ordinance. File 050986, Copy: Land Use Committee
From Martin Macintyre, regarding the management audit of the Recreation and Parks Department.(15)
From Department of Public Works, responding to request to repave 9th Avenue, between Lincoln and Judah Streets. (Reference No. 200601110-009) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi(16)
From Department of Public Works, responding to request to repair the potholes at Lincoln Way and 2nd Avenue. (Reference No. 20060117-001) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi(17)
From Department of Public Works, submitting notice that request to repaint the crosswalks at the intersections of Lincoln Way and 5th Avenue, 7th Avenue, 9th Avenue, and 17th Avenue, and the west crosswalk at Lincoln Way and Arguello Boulevard has been forwarded to the Department of Parking and Traffic. (Reference No. 20060117-002) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi(18)
From Law Offices of Steven Williams, submitting request for continuance of appeal for property located at 730 Great Highway to February 21, 2006.File 051852, Copy: Each Supervisor(19)
From Department of Public Works, responding to request to clean the storm drain grates along Webster Street, at the intersections of Turk Street, Golden Gate Avenue, McAllister Street and Fulton Street. (Reference No. 20051206-006) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi(20)
From Planning Department, regarding the proposed Eastern Neighborhoods Interim Zoning Ordinance. (Reference No. 20060124-008) Copy: Supervisor Maxwell(21)
From John Nelson, concerning the former United Artists Cinema building at Van Ness Avenue and Sutter Street that has turned into graffiti covered homeless encampment, etc.(22)
From Department of Public Works, regarding status of repair of the sidewalk at 200 Fillmore Street. (Reference No. 20051213-006) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi(23)
From Joe Valenciano, submitting copy of letter sent to the Department of Parking and Traffic regarding illegal parking on the 900 block (north and south) of Ulloa Street.(24)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to proposed legislation regarding the "Better Neighborhoods Planning and Implementation Process". File 050601, Copy: Land Use Committee(25)
From Hedi Meyer, concerning relocating the USS Hornet Aircraft Carrier Ship Museum from Alameda to a waterfront pier in San Francisco.(26)
From concerned citizens, submitting their opinion on the Falun Gong movement. File 060026, Copy: Each Supervisor(27)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for bringing the USS Iowa to San Francisco. File 051113, Copy: Each Supervisor(28)
From Supervisor Daly, requesting the City Attorney to investigate a possible Brown Act violation by Jake McGoldrick who may have spoken with a majority of Transportation Authority Commissioners to elect him as Chair of the body, thereby holding ad seriatim meetings in violation of the Brown Act. Copy: Each Supervisor(29)
From Clerk of the Board, submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests for Rebekah Krell, Legislative Assistant to Supervisor Elsbernd.(30)
From Office of the Controller, submitting notice that if the voters approve the proposed Charter amendment that specifies qualifications for members of the Port Commission, it would not significantly impact the cost of government. File 052011, Copy: Each Supervisor(31)
From Public Utilities Revenue Bond Oversight Committee, submitting the 2005 Annual Report of the Public Utilities Revenue Bond Oversight Committee. Copy: Each Supervisor(32)
From Museum Parc, submitting opposition to proposed legislation regarding Off-Street Parking in C-3 Zoning Districts. File 051453, Copy: Each Supervisor(33)
From Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, submitting the amended Bylaws of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, January 26, 2006.(34)
From Office of the Treasurer/Tax Collector, submitting the Cash difference and Overage Fund balance and activities for the period ending December 31, 2005.(35)
From Law Offices of Steven Williams, submitting request to withdraw appeal of Certificate of Exemption from Environmental Review for property at 1043-1045 Francisco Street. File 052035, Copy: Each Supervisor(36)
From Carol Mowbray, submitting copy of letter sent to Supervisor Dufty objecting to encroachment taxes. File 060081(37)
From Civil Service Commission, submitting the Civil Service Commission policy on disclosure and review of criminal history records.(38)
From Jack Cargas, commenting on the state of disrepair of the roads in Golden Gate Park.(39)
From Josephine Guerra, submitting support for continued funding of the N.E.R.T. training program taught by the Fire Department.(40)
From Jason Starn, commenting that he is in the process of gathering private funding to help re-open the Golden Gate Park stables. Copy: Recreation and Park Department(41)
From concerned citizens, urging the Board of Supervisor to become leaders in the movement to bring high-speed rail to California. File 060157, Copy: Each Supervisor(42)
From DJ Lamont, submitting copy of letter sent to Supervisor Daly inquiring what are the City's long term plans for the Mid-Market area.(43)
From Laura Castellini, regarding Ellis Act evictions in San Francisco. File 051822, Copy: Each Supervisor(44)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding status of installing signs prohibiting bicycles and skateboards on Irving Street, between 6th Avenue and Funston; and 9th Avenue between Lincoln Way and Judah Street.(Reference No. 20060110-005) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi(45)
From Tracy Rabold, submitting support for implementing the San Francisco Energy Independence Ordinance as soon as possible. Copy: Each Supervisor(46)
From concerned citizens, regarding providing bottled water for City and County offices.Copy: Each Supervisor(47)
From Douglas Kerr, submitting opposition to not allowing military recruiters to operate freely in San Francisco.(48)
From Office of the Controller, City Services Auditor, submitting its audit report concerning the Department of Human Services, Family and Children's Services Division. Copy: Each Supervisor(49) |