Petitions and communications received from January 21through noon on January 27 for reference by the President to the Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on February 1, 1999.
From Public Utilities Commission, submitting information on salary and overtime spending for the 1997-98 and 1998-99 fiscal years. Copy Supervisor Yee (1)
From concerned citizens, expression opposition to Café in Dolores Park (6 Letters) (2)
From Dan Craig, expressing support for the Union Square Business Improvement District File 98-0118 (3)
From Amy Caplan, expressing support for the living wage increase and questing if American Airlines will have to comply with the living wage increase for employees at SFO. File 98-1453 (4)
From 16th & Mission Community Public Safety mini Task Force, submitting suggestions to improve the quality of life in the 16th and Mission area. (5)
From Office of the Treasurer/ Tax Collector, submitting a list of transactions that are currently performed at the City Payment Center in City Hall, Room 140. Copy: Each Supervisor (6)
From Controller’s Audit Division, submitting report concerning the audit of Marilla Chocolate Company, Inc. (7)
From Ethics Commission, submitting request to the District Attorney to confirm the status of of Paul H. Melbostad whose term has expired, as a member of the Ethics Commission. Rules Committee (8)
From San Francisco Dental Society, expressing opposition to the proposed play structure at the new Giant’s Ballpark, in the shape of a giant Coca Cola bottle. Copy Each Supervisor (9)
From Walt Disney Pictures, requesting to film a trial scene in the Board Chambers for a total period of four days. Copy: Each Supervisor (10)
From Tax Collector, Delinquent Revenue Division, submitting its quarterly report for the period October 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998. (11)
From San Francisco Youth Commission, submitting legislation on stricter State gun control laws. (12)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for removal of Piazzoni Murals at the Asian Art Museum. (7 Letters) File 99-0016 (13)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition for removal of Piazzoni Murals at the Asian Art Museum. (3 Letters) (14)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for a frisbee golf course in San Francisco. (2 Letters) File 98-1589 Park and Recreation Committee (15)
From Office of the Sheriff, expressing appreciation of cooperation in support of City Hall Security. Copy: Each Supervisor (16)
From Troy D. Smith, requesting approval of liquor license type #9, #17, and #20 to import/wholesale and off-sale wine and beer in the State of California. Small Business, Economic Vitality and Consumer Services Committee (17)
From Supervisor Leland Yee, Chair, Finance and Labor Committee, submitting request to Department Heads requesting certain information needed prior to considering any item on the Finance and Labor Committee agenda. (18)
From Public Transportation Commission, submitting Rules of Order . (19)
From Department of Human Resources, submitting Administrative Changes Nos. 70 through 72-98/99 to the Annual Salary Ordinance, FY1998/99. (20)
From SF International Airport, submitting comments to clarify issues raised in letter from Miraloma Park Improvement Club, regarding the current Runway Reconfiguration study. (21)
From Mayor’s Office of Community Development, submitting materials requested by Supervisor Yee that describe and delineate the proposed 1999 CDBG program. Copy: Each Supervisor (22)
From California State Auditor, submitting its audit report concerning various counties administration of their Emergency Medical Services (EMS) funds. (23)
From Controller’s Audit Division, submitting the financial audit of the Office of the Treasurer’s Statement of Cash and Investments for the quarter ending September 30, 1998. (24)
From Commission on the Environment, submitting Resolution No. 002-99-COE, opposing an Urban Warrior Advanced War fighting Experiment in the Presidio. (25)
From Restaurant Associates, submitting opposition to passage of War Memorial Contract with Restaurant Associates Resolution. Copy: Each Supervisor, File 98-2050. (26)
From Ian McCracken, submitting support for Supervisor Brown’s initiative to clean up Civic Center. (27)
From Bill Bixby, regarding his concerns over the murder of several SF Taxi drivers. Copy: Each Supervisor (28)
From Jon Winston, indicating appreciation of support for San Jose Avenue Traffic Calming and Bike Lanes. (29)
From Lucreita Rauh, submitting the concerns of Friends of Lombard Street with bumper to bumper traffic and asking for support to reduce traffic congestion. (30)
From US Army Corps of Engineers, submitting summary of permit actions for the months of October through December 1998. (31)
From California Legislature, Senate Rules Committee, submitting Governor Gray Davis’s appointment of Mary D. Nichols as Secretary of the Resources Agency. (32)
From State Board of Equalization, submitting notice of an anticipated 30-60 day delay in the mailing of sales, transactions, and use tax registration/allocation media scheduled for the month of January 1999. (33)
From Lyn Owen, submitting her opposition to the invasion of the Presidio. (34)
From Office of the Controller, submitting notice that a recorded bond is on file for newly appointed Supervisor Alicia D. Becerril. (35)
From MUNI, submitting letter regarding a December 4 incident involving Muni, SF Police Department and a citizen named Jimmy Kam. COPY Supervisor Yee (36)
From Assessment Appeals Board, submitting letter of meeting on Wednesday, February 3, 1999 at 10:30 a.m. in City Hall, Room 244 for the purpose of selecting three new assessment appeals board No. 2 alternate members . (37)
From City Center Partnership, submitting an Addendum to the District Assessment Engineer’s Report. File 98-1844 (38)
From Raphel Roessler Retail Group, submitting letter in support of the Union Square BID formation District. File 99-0118 (39)
From Mark Brown, regarding "Ringing in the Landmine Ban Treaty" and urging support to activate churches throughout our community. (40)
From Commission on the Environment, submitting Resolution No. 002-99-COE, regarding Presidio War Games. (41)
From Harvey M. Rose, regarding overtime expenditures for the 1997-98 fiscal year. (42)
From San Francisco County Transportation Authority, submitting appointment of Jose Luis Moscovich, as Acting Executive Director, while Carmen Clark is Executive Manager of Public Transportation Department/MUNI. (43)
From various signators, submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interest (44):
Rachel Polish, Legislative Assistant to Supervisor Medina
Alison Krumbein, Legislative Assistant to Supervisor Kaufman
Michele Olson, Legislative Assistant to Supervisor Yee
Harvey Rose, Budget Analyst
From Tom Hsieh, submitting resignation from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission. Rules Committee (45)
From Georgia B. Wright, regarding information on any proposals for parking citation amnesty. (46)
From Senate Rules Committee, submitting appointment of Winston H. Hickox, as Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency. (47)
From War Memorial and Performing Arts Center, submitting request that the Board of Supervisors defer taking action on and/or amending proposed resolution regarding Contract with Restaurant Associates. Copy: Each Supervisor (48)
From Department of Public Health, Submitting quarterly AIDS Surveillance Report. (49)
From Pacific Gas and Electric Company, submitting notice of application for increases in electric revenues and gas rates. (50)
From International Institute of Municipal Clerks, submitting notice that Gloria L. Young, CM/AAE, Clerk to the Board of Supervisors has qualified for Third Sustaining Membership in the Academy for Advanced Education. (51)
From Mina G. Faraji, submitting request for a Tasting Wine License. Small Business Economic Vitality and Consmer Affairs Committee(52)
From Joseph Faiella, submitting request that noise-polluters be removed from the 16th and Mission BART Station. (53)
From Alan Ferrara, supporting City tclean-up of the Haight Ashbury District as a prime issue. Copy Supervisor Ammiano (54)
From Jeff Corino, submitting request that results of Committee Meetings to be on the web. (55)
From Anthony Alfonso, submitting request to add more 44 Line buses during the rush hour to alleviate overcrowding. (56)
From CJ Kingsley, submitting support for silent vehicle alarms. (57)
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