Petitions and communications received from June 3 through noon June 9, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on June 14, 1999.
From Department of Administrative Services, regarding resignation of four members of the Living Wage Task Force. Rules Committee (1)
From John deCastro, submitting support for a moratorium on Live/Work developments. File 99-0998, Transportation and Land Use Committee (2)
From Olga Arias, regarding charter amendment concerning family leave. File 99-0986, Rules Committee Copy: Each Supervisor (3)
From Pray for the Bay, encouraging the Board of Supervisors to join in the Unity Rally for Our Kids, Schools and Teachers on June 14 at the San Jose Arena. Copy: Each Supervisor (4)
From various signators, submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests: (5)
Robert Hartnagel, Legislative Assistant to Supervisor Leno
Kieran Flaherty, Legislative Assistant to Supervisor Leno
Carol Roos, Senior Legislative Analyst, Board of Supervisors
From Daniel P. Kahn, requesting transfer of liquor license from Banda Enterprises at 2150 Polk Street to Competition Closeouts at 1541 Polk Street. Small Business, Economic Vitality and Consumer Services. (6)
From various city departments, submitting Customer Service Plan. (7)
San Francisco Redevelopment Agency
Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board
From Recreation and Park Department, regarding the placement of two AmeriCorps Community coordinators placed at the Recreation and Park Department , Natural Areas Division by the Golden Gate Audobin Society. (8)
From Office of the City Attorney, submitting comments on AB 1381 (Business Improvement District). File 99-0118 (9)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to the northern expansion of the San Francisco Airport and the redirecting of many major flights over the Forest Hill Neighborhood. 2 Letters (10)
From San Francisco Tomorrow, regarding proposed noise legislation for a "small business, arts and entertainment preservation district" South of Market. File 98-1123, Transportation and Land Use Committee (11)
Number not used. (12)
From Public Utilities Commission, submitting request to Human Rights Commission for waiver of provisions of Chapters 12B and 12Cof the Administrative Code. (13)
From Department of Public Health, submitting Hazardous Waste Release Report, Prop 65, FY 1998/99. Public Health and Environment Committee Clerk (14)
From Physicians for Human Rights, regarding the campaign to ban landmines. (15)
From UCSF Stanford Health Care, regarding UCSF Mount Zion community meeting to provide an opportunity to discuss possible structural changes to the services provided at Mt. Zion Hospital. Copy: Each Supervisor (16)
From San Francisco International Airport, regarding the Airport’s intention to seek Design/Build Operate proposals from hoteliers for a new Airport Hotel Project. Copy: Each Supervisor (17)
From Office of the Controller, submitting report concerning the special fund audit of the Environmental Prosecution Fund of the District Attorney’s Office, from January 1, 1992 through May 8, 1998. (18)
From Senate Rules Committee, submitting appointment of Francine B. Diamond of Pacific Palisades as member of the Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region. (19)
From Department of Public Works, submitting report on South of Market Area Excavation Projects. Copy: Supervisor Katz (20)
From Office of the Treasurer, submitting the investment activity (for fiscal year to date) of the portfolios under management. (21)
From various city departments, concerning the proposed charter amendment expanding the transfer of unused sick leave and vacation credits to other City employees for use as family leave to care for catastrophically-ill spouses, domestic partners and other dependents. File 99-0986, Rules Committee (22)
Port of San Francisco
Civil Service Commission
Law Library
From Office of the Controller, submitting revised Rules and Procedures: Treasury Oversight Committee. (23)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to the proposal to construct a new golf course on the southern end of the watershed lands of the Golden Gate National Recreational Area (GGNRA). File 99-0937, Parks and Recreation Committee 2 Letters (24)
From Supervisor Amos Brown, submitting report on the Shopping Cart Task Force. File 99-1147 (25)
From Gary McMichael, regarding communication breakdown between the Police Department, the impound contractor and the Police Department patrolmen in the stolen car division. (26)
From Bodisco Real Estate, regarding Screening of Feasible Technologies (SOFT). Copy: Each Supervisor (27)
From US Army Corps of Engineers, submitting Public Notice regarding proposed guidelines for implementing the Inland Testing Manual within the San Francisco District. (28)
From Gilbert F. Criswell, regarding HIV prevention and planning in the bathhouse/sex club/private space debate. Copy: Each Supervisor (29)
From Department of Human Resources, submitting Administrative Changes Nos. 102 through 106 to the Annual Salary Ordinance, Fiscal Year 1998/99. (30)
From Greg Gabby, regarding the crime rate in San Francisco. (31)
From the San Francisco Fire Department, submitting notice that the General Superintendent of Central Shops will release two fire engines and one aerial truck to Mr. Cesar Ascarrunz for transfer to the city of Cochabamba, Boliva. File 98-1386 (32)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for the adoption of the Health Service System budget request for Fiscal Year 1999-2000; to fund the Health Service System with adequate staff and equipment. Finance and Labor Committee Copy: Each Supervisor 4 Letters (33)
From San Francisco International Airport, submitting notice about a series of community meetings being held by the Airport regarding the development of its proposal for a Runway Reconfiguration Program. Copy: Each Supervisor (34)
From the Taxicab Commission, regarding the upcoming report from the Taxi Task Force Safety Committee. Copy: Supervisor Newsom (35)
From the Taxicab Commission, regarding the feasibility of emergency alarms and cameras in taxicabs. Supervisor Katz (36)
From various signators, submitting Annual Economic Statement for Community Development Block Grant funding for 1999 Program. File 99-0049, Finance and Labor Committee (37)
Ingleside Community Center
From Office of the Controller, submitting report concerning the financial audit of the Statement of Cash and Investments of the Office of the Treasurer for the quarter ended March 31, 1999. (38)
From Andres Figari, submitting support for open access for the internet via cable. File 99-0375, Public Utilities and Deregulation Committee (39)
From Lloyd Schloegel, submitting opposition to the proposed $400 million bond issue to re-build Laguna Honda Hospital. File 99-0910, Finance and Labor Committee (40)
From city employees, regarding the Health Services System and problems regarding possible cancellation of Colonial Disability insurance 2 Letters (41)
From Mayor’s Office of Community Development, requesting a release of reserves for projects included in the 1999 Emergency Shelter Grants Program and the 1999 Community Development Block Grant Program. Finance and Labor Committee (42)
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