Petitions and Communications received from October 21, through noon on October 27, for reference by the President to the Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on November 1, 1999.
From Municipal Railway, submitting Muni’s South-of-Market Service Concept Plan. Copy: Each Supervisor (1)
From County of Santa Cruz, regarding control of California’s Hydroelectric Generating Facilities. (2)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for a multi-level parking garage in the Hall of Justice area (7th and Bryant). 23 Letters (3)
From Department of Building Inspection, submitting letter from the Code Advisory Committee and urging the Board of Supervisors to adopt the Building codes. Copy: Each Supervisor (4)
From Commission on the Environment, submitting copy of Resolution No. 015-99-COE, regarding the environmental study for ferries and urging support of environmentally sensitive provisions of SB 428. (5)
From California Independent System Operator, regarding public notice of technical analysis of the San Francisco/Peninsula Electric System Reliability Process. (6)
From Fire Department, regarding the death of paramedic Gina Hernandez. (Reference No. 199909-014) Copy: Supervisor Yee (7)
From Therese Koller, regarding Mayor Willie L. Brown and the Art Commission. 6 Letters (8)
From the Department of Human Resources, submitting Administrative Change to the Annual Salary Ordinance No. 209-99, for fiscal year 1999/00. (9)
From James McAlister, submitting opposition to the state execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal. (10)
From Lloyd Schloegel, submitting support for a moratorium on new downtown buildings, especially in parking lots. (11)
From Rod Stewart, regarding noise reduction at San Francisco International Airport. (12)
From Mabel James, regarding her request for acting assignment pay. (13)
From Solid Waste Management Program, regarding the Christmas tree recycling program. (Reference 199990921-020) Copy: Supervisor Brown (14)
From Erik Beckjord, submitting support for permanent birth control for drug addicted women. (15)
From Public Utilities Commission, Anson Moran, submitting notice of his retirement in January 2000, as General Manager of Public Utilities. Copy: Each Supervisor (16)
From various signators, submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests: (17)
Gwyneth Borden, Constituent Liaison to Supervisor Newsom
From Patrick Steb, submitting opposition to the Archdiocese of San Francisco (Catholic Church) contributing $31,724 to the "Protection of Marriage Initiative" (Knight Initiative). File 99-1971 (18)
From Rita and Robert Reed, regarding dissatisfaction with temporary toilet facilities at Carl and Cole Streets MUNI stop. (19)
From Paul Freedman, regarding Supervisor Ammiano’s write-in candidacy for Mayor. (20)
From League of California Cities, Peninsula Division, submitting notice that interested elected officials should forward letters by November 5, 1999, if interested in serving on one of the League policy committees. Copy: Each Supervisor (21)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding the implementation of all-red traffic signal phases in San Francisco. Copy: Supervisor Newsom (22)
From Taxicab Commission, regarding "Gate" and "Lease" caps for cab drivers (Reference 19990921-0025). Copy: Supervisor Newsom (23)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, submitting a copy of DPT’s traffic watch regarding public information efforts made by the Department, including community outreach such as issuing weekly press releases to inform the people of San Francisco about upcoming events and routine construction. (Reference 199990927-002) Copy: Supervisor Brown (24)
From Phyl Smith, regarding placing "instant runoff voting" on the March 2000 ballot. File 99-1938, Rules Committee (25)
From concerned citizens, regarding small business, carriage services and horse abuse accountability. Files 99-1587, 99-1588 3 Letters (26)
From Brian Browne, regarding neighborhood complaints about Kokkari’s restaurant fireplace/chimney smoke. 3 Letters (27)
From Rajiv Bhatia, responding to Brian Browne’s letters about Kokkari restaurant. (28)
From City Attorney, submitting further corrections to Mission Bay Street Vacation legal descriptions and SUR Maps. Files 98-1333, 98-1332 (29)
From Committee on Information Technology, requesting release of reserved funds in the amount of $1,125,000 to allow the Year 2000 Project Management Office to continue its efforts to ready the City and the computer systems upon which it relies for the year 2000. (30)
From Alvin Jones, requesting support for an extension of the Bayview Hunters Point Project Area Committee (PAC) for an additional four years. Copy: Each Supervisor (31)
From Susan Schneider, submitting support for a "Help the Homeless Day". (32)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, submitting notice that all the proposed items calendared for the Transportation and Land Use Committee meeting of October 26, 1999 have been posted. Files 99-1702, 99-1703, 99-1704, 99-1848, 99-1849, 99-1850, Transportation and Land Use Committee (33)
From Walt Perko, regarding various topics; abuse of privacy issues via e-mail, and health benefit plans. 2 Letters (34)
From Food Not Bombs, regarding the arrest of two Food Not Bombs volunteer activists. Copy: Each Supervisor (35)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for Proposition E, the Muni Reform charter amendment. File 99-0600 (36)
From Chant Nelson, submitting request for a beer and wine liquor license for "Harvey and Marge’s Pub" located at 1956 ½ Lombard Street. File 99-0477, Small Business, Economic Vitality and Consumer Services Committee (37)
From Aline Dinoia, regarding funding and management of Public Access, Educational and Government (PEG) cable channels. File 99-0477, Public Utilities and Deregulation Committee (38)
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