Petitions and Communications received from November 10 through noon on November 17, for reference by the President to the Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on November 22, 1999.
From U.S. Department of the Army, submitting draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the disposal and reuse of the Oakland Army Base. (1)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for the use of Instant Runoff Voting. File 99-1938, Rules Committee 4 Letters (2)
From Tom Kuehl, regarding the ATM controversy. (3)
From Cara Cordoni, submitting support to continue and expand the Fire Departments NERT training program. (4)
From Pacific Gas and Electric Company, submitting notice of application for a gas rate increase and electric revenue increase; cost of capital proceeding. (5)
From GTE Wireless, submitting copy of notification letter to California Public Utilities Commission, regarding cellular base site at 530 Bush Street. (6)
From Denise Brady, responding to letter from Ms. Kline regarding the November 2, 1999 election results on the City’s web site. (7)
From US Army Corps of Engineers, submitting public notice dated November 12, 1999 regarding permit to dredge the Ballena Isle Marina in Alameda. (8)
From State Department of Corrections, submitting State building notification project # 980714 for 1550 Evans Street, 145 Jefferson Street and 1501 Vermont Street to lease existing buildings as parole offices. Copy: Each Supervisor, 3 Letters (9)
From L.A. Nelson, submitting support to ban the Blue Angels from flying over San Francisco. File 99-2053 (10)
From National Tuberculosis Center, submitting Budget Revision, Grant Code HCPD17/9609 regarding subobject transfer of funds. (11)
From Department of Public Health, submitting a revised copy of its health benefits analysis reported in March 1999 to reflect the estimated wage benefits to affected workers. File 99-0252, Finance and Labor Committee (12)
From Office of the Controller’s Audits Division, submitting report on the Police Department’s accounting for funds collected for providing special security services. (13)
From Office of the Controller’s Audits Division, submitting report concerning the audit of the Workers’ Compensation Division’s contractor, Foundation Integrated Risk Management Solutions Incorporated (Firm Solutions). (14)
From the Controller’s Audits Division, submitting its audit plan for fiscal year 1999-2000. The plan lists the audits the division plans to conduct in fiscal year 1999-2000. (15)
From California Senate Rules Committee, submitting notice of appointment of Linda Moulton-Patterson of Fountain Valley as a member of the California Integrated Waste Management Board, term ending January 1, 2001. (16)
From Denise Reynolds, submitting opposition to the proposed ban on Rodeo’s. File 99-1878, Small Business, Economic Vitality and Consumer Services Committee (17)
From Therese Koller, regarding Mayor Willie L. Brown and Supervisor Tom Ammiano and Mayor Brown and the Art Commission. 11 Letters (18)
From Jon Ridenour, submitting support for Supervisor Ammiano’s proposal for peer review of Sutro Tower quake retrofit. Copy: Each Supervisor, File 99-2082, Finance and Labor Committee (19)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to the proposed living wage ordinance. File 99-0252, Finance and Labor Committee 3 Letters (20)
From Taxicab Commission, regarding incorporating alternative fuel clean air vehicles into the taxicab fleet of San Francisco. 2 Letters (21)
From Walt Perko, suggesting a letter of appreciation for a concerned citizen who cleans the whole length of 19th Avenue between Judah and Kirkham Streets everyday. (22)
From the Center for Voting and Democracy, submitting comments on the difference between "Approval Voting" and "Instant Runoff Voting". File 99-1938, Rules Committee, Clerk of the Board (23)
From Department of Elections, responding to request for information regarding who is eligible to vote. (Reference No. 19991108-002) Copy: Supervisor Brown (24)
From Department of Children, Youth and Their Families, submitting request for release of $250,000 of reserved funds for the San Francisco child care providers’ health care benefits pilot program. Finance and Labor Committee (25)
From Office of the Mayor, urging the Board of Supervisors act to certify the election immediately upon receipt of the final results from the Department of Elections, regarding Proposition E, creating a new Municipal Transportation Agency. (26)
From Office of the Controller, submitting amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding with San Francisco Police Officers Association. File 99-2019, Finance and Labor Committee (27)
From Department of Elections, responding to request for information as to whether or not the Department of Elections has sufficient staff and resources for the December 14, 1999 run-off election. (Reference No. 19991108-001) Copy: Supervisor Teng (28)
From Department of Paring and Traffic, responding to request that Department of Parking and Traffic and Municipal Railway conduct an intensive safety review of the City’s transit priority signals, with emphasis on the April 15, 1999 tragic fatal accident at Mission and 21st Streets and how future accidents could be prevented. File 99-0946 (29)
From Irene Sanchez, regarding her experience with SEIU Local 790 representation. (30)
From Josie Mooney, responding to letter from Irene Sanchez, regarding SEIU Local 790 representation. (31)
From Department of Human Resources, regarding provisional step grievance settlement with SEIU, for full-time provisional employees with permanent status in another classification. File 99-2020, Finance and Labor Committee (32)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding posting of notices for all proposed items calendared for the November 16, 1999 Housing and Social Policy Committee. Copy: Supervisors Teng, Bierman, Becerril, File 99-1998, Housing and Social Policy Committee (33)
From Siu Ling Chen, regarding Sutro Tower’s agreement to expand public notice for future Planning Commission hearings regarding Sutro Tower. Copy: Each Supervisor, Clerk of the Board, File 99-1563, Public Utilities and Deregulation Committee (34)
From Context Consulting, regarding public hearing on the "etiology of domestic violence with a particular focus on violence perpetrated by men against women." File 99-1899, Housing and Social Policy Committee (35)
From William Kales, regarding the vegetation management plan for "The Presidio" for Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA). (36)
From State Assemblyman Scott Baugh, submitting notice that the California Legislature will consider a proposal to dedicate needed infrastructure funding for the City and County of San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor (37)
From U.S. Department of Justice, regarding the establishment of a Task Force to make policy recommendations regarding Sutro Tower to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors and requesting that a representative of the San Francisco FBI be included as a member of the Sutro Tower Health and Safety Task Force. File 99-2082, Finance and Labor Committee (38)
From Californians for Same-Sex Marriage, regarding the proposed California Same-Sex Marriage Initiative, (Knight Initiative). (39)
From Marc Levine, regarding San Francisco doing business with Wells Fargo and Bank of America. Copy: Each Supervisor, Controller, Treasurer (40)
From Tony Kilroy, submitting opposition to the proposed closure of Mount Zion Hospital. File 99-1851, Public Health and Environment Committee (41)
From Department of Human Resources, submitting Administrative Change No.06-99/00 to the Annual Salary Ordinance, for fiscal year 1999/00. (42)
From Office of the Controller, submitting analysis of the proposed Charter amendments as of November 9, 1999, including Ranked Choice or Instant Run-off Elections, Board of Supervisors Benefits, Park and Recreation Open Space Fund Third Draft, and Increased Signature Requirement before certain items would be placed on the ballot. Files 99-1938, 99-1939, 99-1940, 99-1983, Rules Committee, 4 Letters (43)
From Food Not Bombs, regarding Mayor Brown refusing lunch from the group "Food Not Bombs". File 99-2095, Finance and Labor Committee (44)
From Steve Marusic, submitting support for Starbucks and the F Muni line stop and its extension to Fisherman’s Wharf in the Castro area. File 99-1714 (45)
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