Petitions and Communications
received from April 12 through noon on April 18, for reference by the
President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed
by the Clerk on April 23, 2001.
From various City departments, regarding documents distributed by department
which would require translation into Spanish and Chinese in order to meet
the provisions of the Equal Access to Services Ordinance. Copy: Supervisor
Leno (1)
Police Department (Reference No. 20010305-018)
Department of Elections (Reference No. 20010409-032)
From Golden Gate Park Concourse Authority, regarding projects under the
management of the Golden Gate Park Concourse Authority. (2)
From Office of Citizen Complaints, submitting annual report for 2000.
From various City departments, providing a list of all city contracts
that currently exist with the following companies: Eastman Kodak, Chevron,
Costco, Levi Strauss & Co., The Hearst Corporation, Nieman Marcus, Salomon
Smith Barney, Charles Schwab, Walgreens Co., The San Francisco Giants,
Macy’s, General Motors, PG&E, Pacific Bell, Safeway, Hewlett-Packard,
Nordstrom, Providan Financial, Xerox, the Gap, Shorenstein, Bechtel. (Reference
No. 20010402-001) Copy: Supervisor Sandoval (4)
Police Department
Ethics Commission
Law Library
From Department of Public Health, regarding proposed regulations for the
reporting of persons with HIV infection using a non-name Code. (5)
From Youth Commission, submitting support for the following proposed legislation
in support of Assembly Bill 869 strengthening arts and education in California’s
Public Schools; and resolution requesting that businesses included in
the settlement of the "Business Tax Litigation" spend settlement monies,
other than those needed to pay for legal fees, on programs for San Francisco
youth. Files 0105324, 010536 (6)
From District Attorney, regarding the number of arrests and convictions
for malicious mischief due to vandalism of bus shelters over the last
three years. (Reference No. 20010326-017) Copy: Supervisor Newsom (7)
From Youth Commission, submitting the following resolutions: supporting
the "One Land, One People" Ethnic Studies Conference on March 30, 2001;
urging the Department of Parking and Traffic to make an extensive effort
to enhance pedestrian safety at the end of Phelan Avenue, especially in
front of Archbishop Riordan High School, by adding flashing crosswalk
lights; urging the Mayor, Board of Supervisors, City departments, as well
as the citizens of San Francisco to recognize the numerous positive contributions
youth make to our city, state and country; commending Assemblyman Shelley
for amending section 836 of the penal code, relating to arrests; honoring
the United Farm Workers, AFL-CIO for it’s efforts in educating youth about
the life of Cesar Chavez, and it’s work in the Cesar Chavez holiday parade,
as well as officially supporting the 2001 Cesar Chavez parade to be held
on March 31, 2001; urging the Board of Supervisors to waive all fees to
minors 17 and under at swimming pools throughout the City and County of
San Francisco; requesting sanitary conditions (restrooms) be improved
at San Francisco Middle and High Schools. (8)
From Department of Building Inspection, submitting ten cellular antenna
permit applications filed for the following addresses: 55 Francisco Street,
1689-1693 Folsom Street, 800 Sutter/801 Jones Street, 1633 Fillmore Street,
375 Alabama Street, 532 Market Street, 3080 California Street, 4200 Balboa
Street, 5339-5351 Geary Boulevard, 1177 Harrison Street. (Reference No.
20000403-002) Copy: Supervisor Yee (9)
From Planning Department, submitting background material on the gating
of Meacham Place. Copy: Each Supervisor (10)
From various City departments, regarding performance audits in the past
ten years. Copy: Supervisor McGoldrick (11)
Department of Telecommunications and Information Services (Reference No.
Ethics Commission (Reference No. 20010226-065)
Department of Convention Facilities Management (Reference No. 20010226-100)
Employees’ Retirement System (Reference No. 20010226-092)
Law Library (Reference No. 20010226-104)
Department of Public Works (Reference No. 20010226-109)
From Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector, submitting Bureau of Delinquent
Revenue Quarterly Report for the period January 1, 2001 through March
31, 2001. (12)
From Juvenile Probation Department, submitting information regarding the
Department’s fair and equitable treatment and needed programs and resources
for lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth.
(Reference No. 20010312-002) Copy: Supervisor Ammiano (13)
From Office of the City Attorney, submitting monthly claims report settled
by Department from March 1, 2001 through March 31, 2001. (14)
From AT&T, submitting information as to why there is an observed rate
disparity for AT&T/TCI Cable customers between the different neighborhoods
in San Francisco. (Reference Nos. 20010305-002, 20010305-003) Copy: Supervisor
Ammiano (15)
From State Department of Child Support Services, regarding job search
orders for non-custodial parents receiving CalWORKS benefits. (16)
From Department of Building Inspection, submitting notice of violations
issued (3,586), among the various divisions within the Department during
the period of January 1 through December 31, 2000. (Reference No. 20010220-03)
Copy: Supervisor Newsom (17)
From Beverly Corbin, requesting the Board’s assistance regarding the health
and safety conditions at the Department of Human Services Building at
1235 Mission Street. Copy: Audit, Labor and Government Efficiency Committee
members (18)
From San Francisco Small Business Advocates, expressing appreciation for
a productive meeting with Board of Supervisors staff. Copy: Supervisor
Daly (19)
From Western Water Company, submitting petitions for approval from the
State Water Resources Control Board for temporary transfers of water made
available through on-farm conservation practices undertaken by agricultural
water users located in Northern California. (20)
From AT&T Broadband, submitting payment for AT&T’s Quarterly CTPC Fee
for the first quarter of 2001. 2 Letters (21)
From Bruce Harris, submitting opposition to the proposed Sunol Quarry
expansion in Alameda County. File 010373 (22)
From State Department of Child Support Services, submitting name of new
contact for updating any county information for the State Department of
Child Support Services, such as address, new staff, phone numbers. (23)
From Department of Public Works, regarding the feasibility of Great Highway
beautification. (Reference No. 20010220-009) Copy: Supervisors Hall, Newsom,
McGoldrick (24)
From Maria Matson, submitting support for proposed legislation transferring
jurisdiction over certain real property located at Drumm Street, between
Clay and Washington Streets, (Assessor’s Block 202 and 203) from the Department
of Public Works to the Recreation and Park Commission; and providing that
no building, improvement or structure may be constructed on the surfaces
of such parcels and adjoining Assessor’s Block 202. File 010620 (25)
From Peter Warfield, submitting two editorials praising the Board’s work
in cutting out the collection agency from the library’s fines and fees
measure, and providing a library fine amnesty. File 010452 (26)
From Animal Control and Welfare Commission, recommending that fares for
animals accompanying their guardians on the Municipal Railway system (MUNI)
be eliminated effective August 2001. Copy: Each Supervisor (27)
From Frederick Hobson, submitting copy of letter sent to the State Attorney
General requesting approval of the proposed affiliation between St. Luke’s
Hospital and Sutter Health. (28)
From San Francisco Local Agency Formation Commission, (LAFCO), submitting
copy of "Procedures for Evaluation of Proposals for the Formation of Districts
Initiated by Government Entities" which was adopted by LAFCO at its April
5, 2001 meeting. File 010310, Copy: Each Supervisor (29)
From Police Department, regarding how the Department keeps domestic violence
statistics. (Reference No. 20010319-016) (30)
From United States Senator Feinstein, submitting copy of letter to a constituent
regarding her asbestos case. (31)
From Suzanne Martin, submitting support for proposal to ban the sale of
fur in San Francisco. (32)
From Office of the Controller, submitting changes to the Children’s Fund
as a result of passage of Proposition D, adopted by the voters on November
7, 2000, amending Charter Section 16.108. (33)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, submitting report on the activities
of the Pedestrian Safety Interdepartmental Working Group. File 001219
From concerned citizens, submitting support for the Neighborhood Emergency
Response Team (NERT) program given by the Fire Department. 3 Letters (35)
From State Rules Committee, submitting reappointment of Linda Moulton-Patterson
of Sacramento as a member of the California Integrated Waste Management
Board, term ending January 1, 2005. (36)
From State Department of Health Services, regarding the Emergency Medical
Services Appropriation agreement for fiscal year 2000/01 has been signed.
From State Commission on the Status of Women, submitting notice of an
informational forum on Gender Equity in Education, May 7, 2001 at 1500
11th Street, Sacramento, CA. (38)
Michael Nulty, regarding dismissal by Superior Court Judge Regan for four
temporary Restraining Orders and an Order to Show Cause that were filed
and signed by a judge on behalf of Rent Board Commissioner Frederick Hobson.
From Phyllis Hunt, submitting opposition to the proposed sports facility
for Piers 27-31. (40)
Number not used. (41)
From Comite Mexicano Civico Patriotico, submitting invitation to Cinco
de Mayo event, May 6, at the Band Shell in Golden Gate Park at 12:30 p.m.
Copy: Each Supervisor (42)
From Robert Strauss, submitting support for proposed legislation to prohibit
tenancies-in-common where an exclusive right of occupancy exists but is
not specified in the deed. File 010226 (43)
From Vincent Poy, regarding his experience with the San Francisco Housing
Authority. (44)
From Frontlines Newspaper, regarding the energy crises in California.
3 Letters (45)
From Frontlines Newspaper, submitting notice of rally and march against
the Free Trade Across the Americas on April 21 starting at noon at 24th
and Mission Streets. (46)
From Lombard Place Tenants Association, regarding capital improvement
Case Nos. L980258 through L980260. (47)
From Governor’s Communications Office, submitting update newsletter dated
April 11, 2001. (48)
From Merchants of Upper Market and Castro Streets, submitting donation
of the "Rainbow Banners" that are on Market Street from Dolores to Castro
Streets. Copy: Each Supervisor (49)
From Jocelyn Cohen, regarding the development at King Street and our urban
forest. (50)
From Mike Shriver, regarding HIV pharmaceutical ads and their impact on
new HIV infections and risk-taking. File 010345 Copy: Each Supervisor
From Jeff Becerra, regarding the nomination of a Clean Air Champion. (52)
From Jackie Kious, regarding the dog leash policy at Fort Funston. (53)
From CALFED Bay-Delta Program, submitting newsletter dated March 2001.
From Department of Children, Youth and Their Families, submitting request
for a letter of support for a technical assistance grant from the National
League of Cities for expanding learning opportunities during after school
hours. (55) |