Petitions and Communications received from July 5 through noon on July 11, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on July 16, 2001.
From Julianna Yan, submitting request for transfer of a Type 21 liquor license from 812 Washington Street to 716 Grant Avenue for "Chine D’Art" at 716 Grant Avenue.Copy: Economic Vitality, Small Business, and Consumer Services Committee (1)
From Public Utilities Commission, regarding request for information on five year Power Purchase.File 010739 (2)
From Municipal Transportation Agency, submitting resolution requesting approval of award for Municipal Railway Contract No. CS-132, Quality Assurance and Construction Management Services for Phase I of the Third Street Light Rail Transit Project, to Sverdrup Civil, Inc. (3)
From Fire Department, regarding annual budget funding from the Treasure Island Development Authority for staffing cost of Station 48.(Reference No. 20010611-003)Copy: Supervisor Sandoval (4)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to proposed Sprint PCS terminal antenna site at Fillmore and Washington Streets.File 011137,Copy: Each Supervisor,2 Letters (5)
From Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, submitting report on meeting times and locations, membership roster and annual report.Copy: Supervisor Daly (6)
From Office of Public Information, regarding Youth Commission’s press conference on San Francisco public schools. (7)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding the Central Freeway Citizen’s Advisory Task Force.(Reference No. 20010611-016)Copy: Supervisor Daly (8)
From West of Twin Peaks Central Council, submitting support for the Ocean Avenue Revitalization Plan. (9)
From National Lawyers Guild, submitting support for proposed legislation regarding the "Storage Container Removal and Storage" ordinance.File 010844,Copy: Each Supervisor (10)
From Emergency Coalition to Save Public Health, submitting support for proposed legislation regarding "Charity Care" which would hold "non-profit" hospitals responsible for providing charity care in return for the tax breaks they receive as a "non-profit".Copy: Each Supervisor(11)
From Office of the Controller, regarding implementation of the Performance and Review Ordinance of 1999, including the prospects for compliance by City departments beyond those participating as pilot projects.Copy: Each Supervisor (12)
From Department of Building Inspection, submitting four cellular antenna permit applications filed for the following addresses: 411 Brannan Street, 915-919 Folsom Street, 2101 Jerrold Avenue, 2489-2491 Washington Street.(Reference No. 200000403-002)Copy: Supervisor Yee (13)
From Office of the City Attorney, submitting an update on Pacific Gas and Electric Company Bankruptcy Case.Copy: Each Supervisor (14)
From Office of the Legislative Analyst, submitting report providing research and analysis on whether limousine operators and owners in San Francisco have to adhere to laws pertaining to commercial vehicles, including but not limited to overnight parking in residential areas. (15)
From State Department of Health Services, submitting application for California Healthcare for Indigents Program/Rural Health Services Program Contract for fiscal year 2001/02. (16)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to proposed legislation to limit the number of Tenancies in Common.File 010891,Copy: Each Supervisor,Letters (17)
From Michael Faber, submitting support for proposed legislation to limit the number of Tenancies in Common. File 010891,Copy: Each Supervisor (18)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for passage of Instant Runoff Voting in San Francisco.File 010966,Copy: Each Supervisor,3 Letters (19)
From Marky Lynn Quayle, submitting request to award the "Living Legend Award" to Gene Wright.Copy: Each Supervisor (20)
From Planning Department, submitting copy of Environmental Review Document (Preliminary Negative Declaration) and Intent to adopt Negative Declaration for the proposed project at 48 Tehama Street (547 Howard Street). (21)
From concerned citizens, commenting on the difficulty of working the night shift, three or four nights a week as a SFFD paramedic.File 011036,Copy: Each Supervisor (22)
From Youth Commission, submitting support for the creation of an Office of Adolescent Health within the Department of Public Health, and urging the Board and the Mayor to collectively allocate $400,000 to the Excelsior Health Center.(23)
From Gregory James, submitting opposition to proposed expansion of Charles Schwab and Company on West Portal Avenue.File 011186,Copy: Each Supervisor (24)
From US Army Corps of Engineers, submitting public notice dated June 18, 2001, to widen State Route 84 (Bayfront Expressway) from a four-lane highway to a six-lane highway with standard 10 foot shoulder widths; widening will begin at Marsh Road intersection and terminate at the western terminus of the Dumbarton Bridge. (25)
From Dan Heller, submitting opposition to proposed legislation to abolish the "dancehall permit" requirement for late night entertainment.File 010845,Copy: Each Supervisor (26)
From Office of the Treasurer, submitting correspondence and its attachments showing the investment activity (for fiscal year to date) of the portfolios under management. (27)
From Westly Day, commenting on proposed legislation entitled "Storage Container Removal and Storage". (28)
From State Fish and Game Commission, submitting notice of proposed regulatory action relative to herring fishery and harvesting of herring eggs on kelp which will appear in the California Regulatory Notice Register. (29)
From Office of the City Administrator, regarding formation of a Municipal Utility District ("MUD").File 002111 (30)
From San Francisco Convention and Visitors Bureau, submitting a summary of visitor statistics and economic benefits of San Francisco tourism in the year 2000. (31)
From State Board of Equalization, submitting an update of Assessors’ Handbook Section 501, Basic Appraisal. (32)
From Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector, submitting Quarterly Report for the period of April 1, 2001 through June 30, 2001. (33)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding the installation of Stop signs; stopping the north-and southbound directions of Pinehurst Way at Kenwood Way.(Reference No. 20010507-001) (34)
From Budget Analyst, submitting Activity Status Report for the Quarter ending June 30, 2001. (35)
From Public Utilities Commission, regarding Standard and Poor’s downgrade (credit rating) of the Public Utilities Commission’s Water Revenue Bonds. Copy: Each Supervisor (36)
From Planning Department, regarding proposed ordinance to add Planning Code Section 155.4, requiring new and renovated commercial and industrial buildings to provide bicycle parking.File 010488 (37)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, submitting notice that all proposed items calendared for the Housing, Transportation and Land Use Committee meeting of July 12, 2001 have been posted.Files 011121, 011122, 011123 (38)
From Department of Public Health, submitting Quarterly AIDS Surveillance Report as reported through June 2001. (39)
From Department of Public Health, submitting list of Sole Source Contracts for fiscal year 1999/2000. (40)
From concerned citizens, submitting support to ban the sale of fur in San Francisco.9 Letters (41)
From Eugene Bradley, submitting support for AB1419 regarding the transfer of land around First and Mission Streets (site of the current Transbay Terminal) from Caltrans to the City and County of San Francisco. (42)
From Robert Anthony, submitting support for an increase in gate fees for cab companies from eighty-five dollars to one hundred dollars. (43)
From Rosemarie McMichael, submitting opposition to the proposed closure of the Golden Gate Park horse stables. (44)
From Fire Commission, submitting support for the passage of the Paramedic Rapid Response System.(Reference No. 20010507-019)File 011036,Copy: Supervisor Ammiano (45)
From Consumer Assurance of San Francisco (formerly Weights and Measures), regarding list of Sole Source Contracts for fiscal year 1999/2000. (46)
From Office of the City Attorney, submitting an update on the Pacific Gas and Electric Bankruptcy Case.Copy: Each Supervisor (47)
From State Department of Social Services, regarding the allocation formula for Child Abuse Prevention, Intervention and Treatment funds during fiscal years 2002 through 2005. (48)
From State Department of Child Support Services, submitting emergency regulations for the "Child Support Complaint Resolution and State hearing Process". (49)
From Disability Rights, Enforcement, Education and Services, submitting press release entitled "Major Reform in MediCal Rountable". (50)
From Dennis Lawlor, commenting on the Doggie Diner sign on Sloat Boulevard. (51)
From Chris Hirano, submitting notice of rally against the San Francisco YWCA protesting the sale of the YWCA building at 1830 Sutter Street, a property purchased by, and kept in trust for use, by Japanese American women in the 1920’s, at the Japanese Cultural and Community Center, Thursday, July 12, at 6:00 p.m.Copy: Each Supervisor (52)
From Sandy Mori, submitting support for SB 307, California Japantown Pilot Project.File 011026,Copy: Each Supervisor (53)
From Miraloma Park Improvement Club, submitting opposition to any legislation that amends RH-1 zoning to legalize increased density and multi-occupancy dwellings (in-law apartments).Copy: Each Supervisor (54)
From Harold Smith, requesting the Jury Commission to eliminate decease people from the active jury list.Copy: Supervisors Ammiano, Leno, Jury Commission. (55)
From Steve Keller, submitting press release entitled "Scenes from the first San Francisco Gay Baths Night". (56)
From Clerk of the Board, submitting notice that the Board of Supervisors/Clerk of the Board’s Office did not receive any gifts in fiscal year 2000-01. (57)
Number not used. (58)
From Kyle Fiore, submitting support for maintaining current services at San Francisco General Hospital. (59)
From State Bureau of Land Management, submitting newsletter (News.bytes)issued July 3, 2001 regarding activities in Northern California affecting the State Bureau of Land Management. (60)
From Office of the Controller, Audits Division, submitting audit report for the Board of Supervisors revolving fund. (61)
From William Schultz, commenting on several issues: Ocean Avenue road work, cars towed on or around 48 Avenue next to the Great Highway. (62)
From various signators, submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests:(63) Michele Olson
From David Renroth, submitting various comments. (64)
From Shannon Seaberg, submitting support for proposed legislation to abolish the "dancehall permit" requirement for late night entertainment.File 010845,Copy: Each Supervisor (65)
From Office of the Assessor-Recorder, submitting Assessment Roll totals for 2001-2002. (66)
From Department of Public Health, submitting report from the SF Medical Examiner for December 1999 through November 2000 to help identify gaps in the system of care and where the Department can focus efforts to prevent future homeless deaths.(Reference No. 20010529-004)Copy: Supervisor Newsom (67)
From San Francisco Children and Families Commission, submitting list of Sole Source Contracts for fiscal year 1999/2000. (68
From Office of the Mayor, submitting notice of the Westside Energy Conservation Fair, August 11, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 2350 19th Avenue(San Francisco Neighbors’ Resource Center).Copy: Each Supervisor (69)
From Department of Public Works, regarding letter sent to property owners in San Francisco reminding them of their legal responsibility to keep their sidewalks clean. (Reference No. 20010611-007)Copy: Supervisor Hall (70)