Petitions and Communications
received from September 6 through noon on September 12, for reference
by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered
filed by the Clerk on September 17, 2001.
From City of Santa Ana, Clerk of the Council Office, submitting request
for a letter and/or resolution in support of their bid to host the International
Institute of Municipal Clerks Annual Conference that will be held in
May, 2006. Copy: Each Supervisor (1)
From Department of Public Works, regarding a cost benefit analyst of
using an epoxy system versus the Metacrylics system for resurfacing
Midtown Terrace Reservoir. (Reference No. 20010716-001) Copy: Supervisor
Hall (2)
From Office of the Public Defender, regarding plans for compliance with
the Equal Access to City Services Ordinance. (Reference No. 200110716-018)
Copy: Supervisor Leno (3)
From Department on the Status of Women, submitting notice that the funding
provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board
of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels
as proposed to the Board. (4)
From Department of Public Works, regarding the Department’s efforts
to negotiate a new contract with Caltrans and a first time contract
with BART regarding the assignment of responsibility for the maintenance
of Highway 280 and BART property. (Reference No. 20010702-015) Copy:
Supervisor Sandoval (5)
From Public Utilities Commission, submitting notice that, with the exception
of the issues (see letter) within Hetch Hetchy and Clean Water Enterprises,
the funding provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted
by the Board of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service
levels as proposed to the Board. (6)
From Department of Human Resources, submitting notice that the funding
provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board
of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels
as proposed to the Board. (7)
From Arts Commission, submitting notice that the Art Commission has
no review authority over the Rincon Park Development. (Reference No.
20010820-008) Copy: Supervisor Daly (8)
From Adult Probation Department, submitting notice that the funding
provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board
of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels
as proposed to the Board. (9)
From various signators, submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests:
Lillian Hare
Coleen Crowley
Maria A. Destro
James Firth
Boris E. Delepine
From Commission on the Environment, submitting resolution urging the
Mayor and the Board of Supervisors to urge the United States Environmental
Protection Agency to require manufacturers and registrants of pesticide
products to fully disclose all inert ingredients on pesticide product
labels. Copy: Each Supervisor (12)
From Commission on the Environment, submitting resolution urging the
Mayor and the Board of Supervisors to support efforts to curb global
warming, adopt greenhouse gas emission reductions goals for the City
and County in excess of the targeted goals of the Kyoto protocol, and
call for continued actions towards achieving these goals. Copy: Each
Supervisor (13)
From Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), submitting copy of
Policies on ABAG Committee Formation, Structure, and Membership, as
well as a page from the Agency’s Overall Work Program describing the
duties of the Regional Planning Committee. Copy: Each Supervisor (14)
From San Francisco Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, submitting notice of
cancellation of the Second Annual Educational Fund. (15)
From West Presidio Neighborhood Association, submitting appointment
of Mary Russo McAfee as representative to the Presidio Neighborhood
Representative Work Group. File 011404 (16)
From Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods, submitting appointments
of Joel Ventrescaa and Emeric Kalman as representatives to the Presidio
Neighborhood Representative Work Group. File 011404 (17)
From The White House, acknowledging receipt of San Francisco Board of
Supervisors resolution urging the President and Congress of the United
States to recognize and restore U.S. Veterans status to Filipino World
War II Veterans. File 011252 (18)
From Planning Department, submitting copy of the Environmental Review
document for the Jobs-Housing Linkage program. Copy: Each Supervisor
From Department of Public Health, submitting annual report of gifts
for fiscal year 2000/01. (20)
From Planning Association for the Richmond, submitting appointments
of Redmond Kerman as representative and Julie Cheever as alternate to
the Presidio Neighborhood Representative Work Group. File 011404 (21)
From Judicial Council of California, submitting Superior Court deposit
statement for the month ending July 2001. (22)
From Elissa Eckman, requesting that the Board of Supervisors take immediate
action to remove Frederick Hobson from his supervisory appointment to
the Animal Control and Welfare Commission. (23)
From Harry Hull, submitting support to keep the Filipino Education Center
Elementary School open. Copy: Each Supervisor (24)
From Ann Halvorsen, submitting support to re-open the Golden Gate Park
Stables. Copy: Each Supervisor (25)
From Planning Department, submitting Certificate of Determination for
Inclusionary Affordable Housing Ordinance. File 001262 Copy: Each Supervisor
From Department of Public Health, regarding the feasibility of requiring
businesses to use biodegradable materials for packaging. (Reference
No. 20010806-008) Copy: Supervisor Sandoval (27)
From Mirna Escobar, regarding alleged unpaid wages for working overtime
at Muni. (28)
From concerned citizens, commenting on the dirty streets in San Francisco.
11 Letters (29)
From Department of Public Health, submitting newsletter entitled "Envir
Times" dated August 2001. Copy: Each Supervisor (30)
From Department of Human Resources, submitting information (original
and corrected copy) regarding the 2000/01 Grand Jury Report. (Reference
No. 2001806-006) Copy: Supervisor Peskin 2 Letters (31)
From Employees’ Retirement System, submitting notice that the funding
provided in the budget for fiscal year 2001-02 as adopted by the Board
of Supervisors is adequate for the department to meet service levels
as proposed to the Board. (32)
From Marina Civic Improvement and Property Owners Association, Inc.,
submitting appointment of Joan Girardot as representative to the Presidio
Neighborhood Representative Work Group. File 011404 (33)
From Department of the Elections, submitting information related to
the Grand Jury Report for 2000/01. (34)
From Doug Davenport, commenting on the homeless situation in San Francisco.
From Department of Human Resources, regarding the feasibility of bringing
infants to work. (Reference No. 20010813-010) Copy: Supervisor Sandoval
From Supervisor Ammiano, submitting appointments of Steve Cucci, Mr.
Tolpagin and Karen Flood Equin as representatives to the Presidio Work
Group. Rules Committee (37)
From Recreation and Park Department, responding to concern with regards
to the stables in Golden Gate Park. File 011364 (38)
From Comite Mexicano Civico Patriotico, submitting invitation to the
Celebration of the 191st Anniversary of the Mexican Independence Day,
El Grito on September 16, 2001, at 7:00 p.m., at the footsteps of City
Hall. Copy: Each Supervisor (39)
From Theodore Schlink III, Esq., regarding retroactive retirement benefits.
Copy: Each Supervisor (40)
From Bay Area Air Quality Management District, submitting copy of newsletter
entitled "Air Currents" for July-August 2001. (41)
From Office of the Treasurer, submitting correspondence with attachments
showing the investment activity (for fiscal year to date) of the portfolios
under management. (42)
From Holly Fiala, urging support for SB 196, the California Resources
Legacy Bond Act of 2002. (43)
From Outer Mission Residents Association, commenting that he hasn’t
received a response from Recreation and Park Department regarding the
Outer Mission Residents Association picnic at McLaren Park on Sunday,
August 26, 2001. Copy: Supervisors Yee, Sandoval (44)
From Elizabeth Winchell, commenting on Ken Garcia’s column in the S.F.
Chronicle regarding the Board of Supervisors and Walk San Francisco’s
attempts to provide a car-free, safe day for pedestrians in eastern
Golden Gate Park on Saturdays. (45)
From Immigrant Pride Day 2001 Organizing Committee, submitting request
for endorsement and contribution of $500 for the Immigrant Pride Day
Celebration on Saturday, October 13, starting at 12 noon at 24th and
Mission Streets and continuing with a march to Dolores Park. (46)
From Steven Keller, commenting on an article in the S.F. Chronicle regarding
the barebacking phenomena among HIV Prevention workers in San Francisco.
Copy: Each Supervisor (47)
From Carlos Petroni, submitting letter entitled "Invitation to Susan
Leal to debate in your District". Copy: Each Supervisor (48)
From Tanis Watt, urging the Board of Supervisors to partner with industry
to get the street artists program builtup with work on the city web
site; and walkie talkies for street artists from industry in exchange
for giving industry advertising in public toilets (with nice images
of artwork) and industry logo on bottom of prints where the arts usually
exhibit. Copy: Each Supervisor (49)
From Serena Bardell, submitting letter entitled "Registering "Facilitators".
Copy: Each Supervisor (50)
From Citizens for Safe Medicine, submitting support for the Medicine
Equity and Drug Safety Act, which would allow FDA-approved pharmaceuticals
to be imported or re-imported back into the U.S. under certain conditions.
Copy: Each Supervisor (51)
From Supervisor Yee, submitting appointment of Eileen Hinds as representative
to the Presidio Work Group. Rules Committee (52)
From CALFED Bay-Delta Program, submitting newsletter for September 2001.
From Kaiser Permanente, submitting report entitled "Growing up Healthy",
2000 report to the community. (54)
From Dennis Lawlor, commenting on various issues. (55)
From Jeannette Winchester, submitting support for proposed legislation
requiring all City agencies to give 24 hour notice to homeless people
before confiscating their personal property. (56)
Aging and Adult Services Commission
Michael DeNunzio
Rosario Carrion Di-Ricco
Concourse Authority
Douglas Moran
Police Commission
Victor Makras |