Petitions and Communications
received from November 29 through noon on December 5, for reference by
the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered
filed by the Clerk on December 10, 2001.
From California Integrated Waste Management Board, submitting notice of
proposed regulations for enforcement assistance grants for the Local Enforcement
Agency. (1)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for the elimination of motorcycle
tolls on the Golden Gate Bridge.13 Letters(2)
From Port of San Francisco, regarding how the Port is adjusting its leasing
expectations for maritime-oriented tenants along the City’s Northern Waterfront
considering economic changes in the local commercial real estate market.(Reference
No. 20011029-009)Copy: Supervisor Peskin (3)
From various signators submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests:
Clarice Duma
From Fire Department, submitting report regarding fire exits on top floors
of buildings as they relate to the Department of Building Inspection policies
mandating constructing of penthouses under certain circumstances.(Reference
No. 20011029-006)Copy: Supervisor Leno(5)
From Office of the Legislative Analyst, submitting report regarding Street
Use Permits. File 011628,Copy: Supervisor Peskin (6)
From Office of the City Attorney, submitting opinion regarding Purchaser
Notification of Competitive Solicitation. (7)
From Office of the Legislative Analyst, submitting report regarding meeting
schedules and preparation times of the other 57 Boards of Supervisors
in California counties. (8)
From Fire Department, submitting annual inspection of the Central Police
Station at 766 Vallejo Street. (9)
From San Francisco Drug Abuse Advisory Board and City-Wide Alcoholism
Advisory Board, submitting report on Substance Abuse Treatment Programs
for year 2001. (10)
From Los Californianos, submitting support for placing statues of King
Carlos III and Juan Bautista de Anza in a prominent place of honor.File
011225 (11)
From State Department of Fish and Game, submitting request for proposals
for fishery restoration work that restores or benefits coho salmon or
their habitat throughout their current range in coastal California. (12)
From Fire Department, submitting request for release of reserved funds
for the following items: Treasurer Island Lease Payment ($1,764,000),
Chief’s Aide’s Salaries and Fringes ($1,000,286), Overtime ($1,624,800).Finance
Committee (13)
From State Department of Transportation, submitting report regarding the
illegal discharge (or threatened illegal discharge) of hazardous waste,
which could cause substantial injury to the public health or safety of
the residents of Calaifornia.Public Health and Environment Committee (14)
From Youth Commission, commenting on proposed legislation to prohibit
motor vehicle traffic in Golden Gate Park on Saturdays on John F. Kennedy
Drive between Kezar and 8th Avenue; Arguello Blvd.; Conservatory Drive
East and Conservatory Drive West; and Bowling Green Drive between John
F. Kennedy Drive and Middle Drive East.File 011576 (15)
From Department of Public Health, submitting report of illegal discharges
of hazardous waste, pursuant to the requirements of Section 25180.7 of
the California Health and Safety Code. Copy: Public Health and Environment
Committee (16)
From Office of the City Attorney, submitting an update on Pacific Gas
and Electric Company’s Bankruptcy Case. (17)
From Department of Public Health, regarding the Metropolitan Medical Response
System, which includes the Metropolitan Medical Task Force Concept of
Operations and the Bio Terrorism Response Plans (MTFCO & BTRP).(Reference
No. 20011022-003) (18)
From Rick Thurber, commenting on the increase in litter and graffiti in
San Francisco.12 Letters (19)
From Office of the Controller, submitting (unaudited) financial report
for the City and County of San Francisco for year ended June 30, 2001.Copy:
Each Supervisor (20)
From Ethics Commission, submitting proposed amendments to the Electronic
Filing Ordinance, Article 1, Chapter 3 of the San Francisco Campaign and
Governmental Conduct Code. (21)
From Ethics Commission, submitting notice of public hearing on "Political
Activities of City Employees" on December 17, 2001 at 6:00 p.m. at City
Hall in Room 408. Copy: Each Supervisor(22)
From San Francisco Drug Abuse Advisory Board and City-Wide Alcoholism
Advisory Board, submitting meeting agendas and meeting minutes for San
Francisco Drug Abuse Advisory Board and City-Wide Alcoholism Advisory
Board. (23)
From California Office of Traffic Safety, regarding California’s Drunk
and Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month; to be held throughout the month
of December. (24)
From Department of Public Works, regarding Pay Telephones in San Francisco.(Reference
No. 2011113-014)Copy: Supervisor Sandoval (25)
From SF Environment, submitting request for release of reserved funds
($15,000) for technical assistance on developing a Climate Change Action
Plan for San Francisco.(26)
From Controller, Mayor’s Budget Director, Budget Analyst, regarding how
the slowdown in the economy and the events of September 11th may affect
San Francisco’s budget. (Reference No. 20010924-018) (27)
From Ethics Commission, submitting request that all City boards and commissions
place on their agenda a notice regarding the obligation of lobbyists to
register with the Commission. Copy: Each Supervisor (28)
From ACT UP San Francisco, submitting several articles on HIV/AIDS. (29)
From Redevelopment Agency, regarding Martin Luther Tower located at 1031
Franklin Street.File 011847Copy: Each Supervisor(30)
From Department of Elections, submitting copy of agenda for the Ballot
Simplification Committee hearings, which will begin Monday, December 3,
2001. (31)
From Sheppard Mullin, submitting information regarding the Conditional
Use/Planned Unit Development and Reclassification applications and the
appeal of the Conditional Use in support of the proposed senior housing
facility (St. Mark’s Square Project) at 1101 O’Farrell Street. (32)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to banning cars in Golden
Gate Park on Saturdays.File 011795,Copy: Each Supervisor,3 Letters (33)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to proposed traffic changes
to Van Ness Avenue.Copy: Each Supervisor,2 Letters (34)
From Department of Public Health,responding to request that the District
Attorney and the Director of the Department of Public Health work together
to create a working group to revisit and update the health warnings about
Amyl Nitrate, also known as "poppers". (Reference No. 20011029-002) (35)
From Commission on the Environment, submitting Resolution No. 011-01-COE,
Preservative-Treated Wood Containing Arsenic approved by the Commission
on the Environment. Copy: Each Supervisor (36)
From The Sheppard Law Firm, submitting withdrawal of Appeal for 3579 Folsom
Street (aka 495 Chapman Street). (37)
From John Jenkel, submitting newsletter entitled "Abuse News" dated November
28, 2001. (38)
From Ethics Commission, regarding what programs the Ethics Commission
has for distributing its notices to various San Francisco groups. (Reference
No. 20011015-001)Copy: Supervisor Hall (39)
From State Department of Child Support Services, submitting notification
of new contract with Equifax Credit Reporting Services, effectively immediately,
with renewal options for the following two fiscal years. (40)
From Clerk of the Board, responding to constituents request for public
records regarding the performance of the Office of the San Francisco Assessor-Recorder
or Assessor Doris Ward since January 1995.(41)
From Rick Binger, submitting request for resolution that would prohibit
the use of PA systems by anyone other than emergency services in San Francisco.
From First Unitarian Universalist Church, submitting notice that the Negative
Declaration of St. Mark’s Tower Project is in error to state that this
site is on Cathedral Hill.The neighborhood of this site is Franklin Street,
not Cathedral Hill.File 011894 (43)
From Human Rights Commission, submitting Quarterly Report on Chapter 12D.A
of the San Francisco Administrative Code. (44) |