Petitions and Communications received from April 4 through noon on April 10, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on April 15, 2002.
From various City Departments, regarding the use of Special Assistant positions. Copy: Supervisor Daly(1) San Francisco International Airport (Reference No. 20020304-014) Department of Administrative Services (Reference No. 20020304-058) Department of Aging and Adult Services (Reference No. 20020304-044) Department of Building Inspection (Reference No. 20020304-031) Department of Child Support Services (Reference No. 20020304-067) Department of Consumer Assurance (Reference No. 20020304-050) Office of Contract Administration (Reference No. 20020304-058) Emergency Communications Department (Reference No. 20020304-008) Fire Department (Reference No. 20020304-024) Housing Authority (Reference No. 20020304-018) Department of Human Resources (Reference No. 20020304-034) Department of Parking and Traffic (Reference No. 20020304-035) Department of Public Health (Reference No. 20020304-047) Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector (Reference No. 20020304-029) Public Transportation Department (MUNI) (Reference No. 20020304-025)
From Department of Human Resources, submitting quarterly report of economic settlements for the quarter January 1, 2002 - March 31, 2002.(2)
From Office of the Controller, submitting report concerning the concession review of the San Francisco Forty Niners for the 1998 through 2000 Football Season.(3)
From Department of Public Health, submitting report regarding illegal discharges of hazardous waste.(4)
From San Francisco Grand Jury, confirming discussion between the Clerk of the Board and Jane Hebler and John Hentz of the Civil Grand Jury (March 29, 2002) relative to the handling of Civil Grand Jury recommendations. Copy: Supervisor Ammiano(5)
From Controller’s Audits Division, submitting audit report of the department head transition at the Office of the City Attorney.(6)
From Office of the Legislative Analyst, submitting report on San Francisco’s existing policies and expenditures related to independent living of senior’s and person’s with disabilities, as well as those policies in other jurisdictions. Copy: Supervisor Daly(7)
From Office of Contract Administration, submitting proposed departmental budget for fiscal year 2002/03. Copy: Budget Committee(8)
From Clerk of the Board, submitting notice that a copy of the Board of Supervisors’ budget was given to each Supervisor.Copy: Budget Committee(9)
From various City Departments, regarding the use of public relations personnel. Copy: Supervisor McGoldrick, Budget Analyst(10) San Francisco Unified School District (Reference No. 20020128-021) Fire Department (Reference No. 20020128-026)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, submitting notice that DPT Bicycle Program has suspended providing a representative to attend Bicycle Advisory Committee meetings because the meetings have become increasingly contentious and focus almost exclusively on procedural issues.Copy: Each Supervisor(11)
From Office of the City Administrator, submitting review of "The Electricity Resource Plan" by the Potrero Power Plant Citizens Advisory Task Force. Copy: Each Supervisor(12)
From Fire Department, submitting Fire/Life Safety Inspection report of Taraval Police Station at 2345 - 24th Avenue.(13)
From Office of the Treasurer, submitting reports on the Cash Difference and Overage Funds for the period ending March 31, 2002.(14)
From Assessment Appeals Board, transmitting summary list of the major appeals currently pending before the Assessment Appeals Board. Copy: Each Supervisor(15)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting copy of minutes from the State Legislation Committee meeting of April 3, 2002.(16)
From Budget Analyst, submitting Budget Analyst Activity Status Report for the Quarter ending March 31, 2002.(17)
From David Maul, urging the Board to fully fund the Ethics Commission, including their $290,000 "FY03 Enhancements needed," plus provide a full $1.5 million for the Prop O (Public Campaign Financing) Program. Copy: Budget Committee(18)
From Carol Issacs, submitting support for preservation of the Musee Mecanique for future generations to enjoy.(19)
From David Stensby, submitting support for Supervisor Newsom’s homeless plan. Copy: Each Supervisor(20)
From City Clerks Association of California, submitting newsletter entitled "The Official Word" dated April 2002.(21)
From US Army Corps of Engineers, regarding request to place landfill into 2.42 acres of jurisdictional waters of seasonal wetlands for the purpose of constructing Southwest Estates, a residential subdivision development project located at 575 Bellevue Avenue, in southwest Santa Rosa, Sonoma County.(22)
From Towers Perrin, regarding 2002/03 health plan benefits, rates and contributions for the 2002/03 plan year. Copy: Finance and Labor Committee(23)
From various signators, submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests: (24) Bronwen Trice Nathan Purkiss Angela Calvillo Brad Benson Rachel Redondiez Jerry Threet Dawn Duran William Barnes Arthur Louie
From Department of Consumer Assurance, submitting report regarding the overall mission and goals of the Department of Consumer Assurance.(25)
From Department of Human Resources, submitting proposed departmental budget for fiscal year 2002/03. Copy: Budget Committee(26)
From Office of the Assessor-Recorder, submitting proposed departmental budget for fiscal year 2002/03. Copy: Budget Committee(27)
From Darien Werfhorst, commenting on the dangerous traffic situation at the corner of Bryant and Cesar Chavez Streets. Copy: Supervisor Ammiano(28)
From Department of Parking and Traffic, regarding the impact of installing additional Stop signs at Brazil Avenue and Madrid Street. (Reference No. 20020318-004) Copy: Supervisor Sandoval(29)
From Darnisha Wright, submitting request for a proclamation or certificate of honor for the staff of the Emergency Communications Department in honor of National Telecommunicators Week, April 14-20, 2002. Copy: Each Supervisor(30)
From Sharon Moliere, submitting suggestions on ways to reduce gas prices in the Bay Area. (31)
From John Jenkin, submitting two issues of newsletter entitled "Abuse News" dated April 5, 2002.(32)
From Candice Keller, commenting on the increase in billboards going up along the Bay Bridge approach.(33)
From San Francisco City and County Employees’ Retirement System, regarding Ordinance amending Administrative Code Section 16.37-1 to provide for the setting of interest rates. File 012003, Copy: Finance and Labor Committee (34)
From Office of the Treasurer, submitting report of the investment activity (for fiscal year to date) of portfolio statistics under management.(35)
From Office of the Controller, Audits Division, submitting report concerning the concession audit of Fishermen’s Grotto.(36)
From Arthur Evans, submitting request that Gwenn Craig step down as Chair of the Redistricting Task Force. Copy: Each Supervisor(37)
From Fairway Builders Incorporated, submitting request for review of policies and procedures of the San Francisco Building Department. Copy: Each Supervisor(38)
From Gray Panthers, regarding the night of Martin Luther King Day, five children ages 12 to 14 allegedly were terrorized in front of their homes by San Francisco Police officers.(39)
From Port of San Francisco, submitting proposed departmental budget for fiscal year 2002/03. Copy: Budget Committee(40)
From Senate Rules Committee, submitting re-appointment of Russell Jeffries of Salinas and Jeffrey Young of Santa Barbara; and appointment of Daniel Press of Santa Cruz; Marco Rizzo of San Luis Obispo; and Donald Villeneuve of Cambria as members of the Water Quality Control Board, Central Coast Region. (41)
From Department of Human Services, regarding the implementation of the Electronic Benefit Transfer System for all food stamp recipients. (Reference No. 20020219-003) Copy: Supervisor Newsom(42)
From Department of Public Works, submitting notice that appellants ’signature with respect to 2696 Geary Boulevard represents owners of less than 20% and are therefore insufficient for appeal.(43)
From Fran Fostey, regarding the issuance of parking tickets by the Department of Parking and Traffic. Copy: Department of Parking and Traffic(44)
From San Francisco Unified School District, submitting Quarterly Report and Bond Issuance Documents for 1997 Proposition A.(45)
From Civil Service Commission, submitting annual report for fiscal year 2000/01.(46)
From Department of Telecommunications and Information Services, regarding CableRunner’s Application for a Franchise and License to Install Fiber Optic Facilities in the sewer system and public right-of-way in San Francisco. (47)
From concerned citizens, requesting the Board hold new hearings on animal testing at UCSF and do everything in the Board’s power to compel ECSF to end Stephen Lisberger’s cruel and outdated experiments. Approximately 3000 letters and postcards(48)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for full funding of senior programs in the Department of Aging and Adult Services budget. 7 postcards(49)