Petitions and Communications received
from May 30 through noon on June 5, for reference by the President to Committee
considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on June
10, 2002.
From Office of the Controller, Audits Division, submitting report concerning
the concession audit of Pacific Golf Partners, LLC. (1)
From Real Estate Division, submitting a complete listing of all city-owned
properties within District 7; including which City department has maintenance
responsibilities for each parcel. (Reference No. 20020506-006) Copy: Supervisor
Hall (2)
From Office of the Legislative Analyst, submitting report on the best practices
for integrating social services into the processing quality of life offenses.
From Carol Wakayama, submitting opposition to the replacement of the community
coordinator position, as well as the NERT coordinator position, with civilian,
non-uniformed coordinators. File 020283, Rules and Audits Committee, Copy:
Each Supervisor (4)
From concerned citizens, commenting on the need for the Police Department’s
Air Support (helicopter) Unit. Copy: Each Supervisor, 3 letters (5)
From Budget Analyst, submitting management audit for the War Memorial. (Reference
No. 20020520-004) Copy: Supervisor Daly (6)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to a second cell site on
the Pierce Street Garage at 3224-3252 Pierce Street. File 020774, approximately
60 letters (7)
From Office of the Mayor, regarding job descriptions for each position in
the Mayor’s Office. (Reference No. 20020304-007) (8)
From Airport, submitting request for waiver of the requirements of Chapter
12B of the Administrative Code for Equifax Credit Service. (9)
From Sanger & Olson, regarding minor sidewalk encroachment permit for 1514-1518
McAllister Street. (10)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to propose cut of San Francisco
General Hospital’s dialysis unit. Approximately 20 signatures (11)
From Urban Counties Caucus, submitting legislative update, as of May 30,
From European/American Issues Forum, commenting on newspaper article in
the Chronicle (5/30/02) regarding hate crimes in the Bay Area. (13)
From Amede Hungerford, commenting on recent newspaper article entitled "commuter
criminals" in San Francisco. (14)
From Office of the Treasurer/Tax Collector, submitting annual report of
businesses that filed for tax credits for the 2001 calendar year. (15)
From Michael Strunsky, submitting copy of letter sent to Supervisor Peskin
regarding the operations of San Francisco International Airport. (16)
From Elections Commission, regarding proposed ordinance that requires San
Francisco to pay for postage of absentee ballots cast by San Francisco Voters.
File 020412 Copy: Each Supervisor (17)
From GCA Strategies, regarding Conditional Use and General Plan referral
appeal for 3224 Pierce Street. Copy: Each Supervisor (18)
From concerned citizens, requesting the Board of Supervisors hold new hearings
on animal testing at UCSF and do everything in the Board’s power to compel
ECSF to end Stephen Lisberger’s cruel and outdated experiments. Approximately
100 letters and postcards (19)
From Juvenile Probation Department, regarding alternative uses of space
within the proposed new Juvenile Hall. (Reference No. 20020429-003) Copy:
Supervisor Gonzalez (20)
From Claudia Denton, submitting opposition to proposed antenna facility
at 5200 Geary Blvd. (21)
From Commission of Animal Control and Welfare, submitting request that the
Board hold a hearing as soon as possible concerning the continuing abuse
of animal testing protocols at the UCSF facilities in San Francisco. Copy:
Each Supervisor (22)
From Paul Platt, requesting action be taken this budget cycle to put an
end to the alleged inappropriate spending by airport officials. (23)
From Richard Wright, commenting on the behavior of some firemen at the No.
3 fire station at Polk and Post Streets. (24)
From Karen Pearson, filing notice of appeal for 2548 California Street from
action of Planning Commission. Hearing scheduled for July 1, 2002 at 3:00
p.m. (25)
From Office of the Mayor, requesting the Board consider five exceptions
to the Interim Annual Appropriation Ordinance and the Interim Annual Salary
Ordinance, and authorize 4.80 FTE new positions during the interim budget
period of July 1, 2002 through July 30, 2002 for the Ethics Commission.
Copy: Each Supervisor (26)
From Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth, submitting opposition to
the Mayor’s proposed budget cut on the Children’s fund to help balance the
City budget. Copy: Each Supervisor (27)
From Capital Improvements Advisory Committee, submitting notice of meeting
on May 29, 2002 to consider the following General Obligation bond proposals:
War Memorial Veterans Building Seismic Upgrade & Improvement Bond Program,
Affordable Housing and Home Ownership Bond Program, and Pedestrian Safety
and Street Resurfacing Bond Program. Copy: Each Supervisor (28)
From Budget Analyst, submitting management audit of the San Francisco Planning
Department, dated June 2002. File 020928 (29)
From Human Rights Commission, submitting Quarterly Report on the Department’s
performance in implementing Chapter 12D.A of the Administrative Code. (30)
From Department of Human Resources, submitting Interim Annual Salary Ordinance
for fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. File 020955 (31)
From Office of the Public Defender, submitting information regarding felony
caseloads of attorneys in the Public Defender’s Office. (Reference No. 20020506-001)
Copy: Supervisor Gonzalez (32)
From Office of the City Attorney, submitting City Attorney Opinion No. 2002-03,
regarding whether (1) contracts for professional services related to construction
in excess of $10 million are subject to approval by the Board under Charter
Section 9.118(b); (2) whether Board approval is required for modifications
to contacts that were initially not subject to Board approval because they
did not exceed $10 million or 10 years, but with the modification would
exceed $10 million or 10 years; and (3) whether existing contracts that
were entered into in reliance on prior advice from our office would be rendered
invalid if we now conclude that those contracts should have been approved
by the Board. Copy: Supervisor Peskin (33)
From Human Rights Commission, submitting comments to the findings and recommendations
of the 2001/02 Civil Grand Jury Report entitled "Professional Services Contracting"
as required by CA Penal Code Section 933(b). File 020953 (34)
From State Office of Historic Preservation, submitting notice that the Central
Embarcadero Piers Historic District of San Francisco will be considered
for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places on August 2,
2002 in Folsom, California. Copy: Supervisor Ammiano (35)
From Planning Department, submitting Planning Commission Resolution No.
16404 which adopts findings for the certification of the final supplemental
environmental impact report for the proposed San Francisco Cruise Terminal
Mixed-Use Project and Brannan Street Wharf Project. Copy: Each Supervisor
From Office of the Controller, regarding the Civil Grand Jury’s report on
professional services contracting and its recommendations for making certain
changes in the contracting process. File 020953 (37)
From Golden Gate Park Concourse Authority, submitting Quarterly report for
the First Quarter of 2002. (38)
From Immigrant Rights Commission, submitting resolution supporting full
funding for immigrants services. Copy: Each Supervisor (39)
From Public Utilities Commission, regarding proposed 2002/03 budget for
maintenance of open space and median strips. (Reference No. 20020506-008)
Copy: Supervisor Hall (40)
From Planning Department, submitting notice that proposed project at 510
Seventh Street is under environmental review. (41)
From Youth Commission’s Education Committee, submitting support for File
No. 020546, urging the School District to provide adequate facilities to
accommodate all public school enrollees sufficient school space in their
neighborhood; and submitting opposition to File No. 020729 that divides
the San Francisco Unified School District. (42)
From Office of the Controller, submitting memorandum providing departments
with instructions on how to request a carryforward of unexpended annual
appropriations. (43)
From Frederick Hobson, submitting copy of letter sent to Elissa Eckman regarding
the Animal Control and Welfare Commission. (44)
From Margaret Li, submitting support for the Veterans Building Bond proposal.
From Dr. David Schneider, submitting support for compressed natural gas
for Muni buses, and commenting on newspaper article entitled "Budget Committee
grills Airport reps". (46)
From Bill Quan, commenting on proposed legislation regarding interest on
security deposits of residential property. File 020382, Copy: Supervisors
Daly, Leno, Maxwell (47)
From concerned citizens, submitting support to keep the Musee Mecanique
open and available to the public. File 020382, 2 letters (48)
From Jason Palm, commenting on alleged drug activity at Van Ness Avenue
and Market Street. Copy: Each Supervisor (49)
From Rod Laughridge, submitting support for another public access station
in San Francisco. (50)
From Rich Olen, submitting support for Supervisor Newsom’s homeless plan.
From Christina Althoff, urging the Board to talk to parents who are dissatisfied
with the new district enrollment policy and with the community at Thurgood
Martshall before any final decision is made on school proposals in San Francisco.
From Board of Appeals, regarding appeal of expansion at 2 Upland Drive.
Taxi Commission
Paul Gillespie
Sergio Alunan
Lynette Sweet
Human Rights Commission
Johnnie Rollins |