Petitions and Communications received from February 27, 2007 through March 5, 2007 for reference by the President to March 13, 2007.
From Police Department, submitting request for a hearing to consider the release of reserved funds in the amount of $1,540,000 for the purpose of supporting the department's violence reduction efforts.(1)
From Mayor's Office of Economic and Workforce Development, submitting request for hearing in the Budget & Finance Committee in order that funds placed in reserve be released and allocated.(2)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting notice of appointment of Linda Cheu to the Redevelopment Agency replacing Commissioner Benny Yee.(3)
From Office of the Controller Financial Audits Division, submitting response to the recommendations of the Civil Grand Jury for Fiscal Years 2003-2004, 2004-2005 and 2005-2006.(4)
From Clerk of the Board, submitting notice to the Board of the Mayor's reappointment of Patricia Breslin to the Taxi Commission.(5)
From concerned citizens, submitting support to implement Community Choice energy in San Francisco. File 070112, 51 letters(6)
From Mike Vandeman, Ph.D, regarding mountain biking on Mt. Sutro.(7)
From Office of the Clerk of the Board, submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests from:(8)
Sean Elsbernd, Member of the Board of Supervisors
Sophie Maxwell, Member of the Board of Supervisors
Gloria L. Young, Clerk of the Board and LAFCo Executive Officer
Ohn Myint, Senior Accountant
Madeleine Licavoli, Deputy Director II
Erasmo Vazquez, IS Administrator III
Shauna Johnson, Legislative Analyst
Gabriel Cabrera, Legislative Analyst
Soleil Teubner, Legislative Assistant to Supervisor Michela Alioto-Pier
Alice Guidry, Legislative Assistant to Supervisor Sophie Maxwell
David Noyola, Legislative Assistant to Supervisor Aaron Peskin
From Mackenzie & Albritton, LLP, regarding interim moratorium on installation of microcell equipment. File 070217, Copy: Each Supervisor(9)
From Luce Forward, Attorneys at Law, requesting hearing continuance to 4/17/2007 for the Appeal of Determination of Exemption From Environmental Review for 120 Howard Street. File 070163, Copy: City Attorney(10)
From Commission on the Environment, submitting transmittal letter and Urban Forestry Council Resolutions approving landmark tree status for trees located at 1221 Stanyan Street and 730 - 28th Avenue. Copy: Each Supervisor(11)
From Dave Snyder, submitting opposition to reducing the cost of adult MUNI Fast Passes for 18-24 year olds. File 061565, Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 letters(12)
From Recreation and Park Department, regarding repair of the Dog Fountain, and the fountain above it, at Alamo Square. (Reference 20070130-001)(13)
From Stanley Sacharoff, commenting on AsianWeek's publishing of hate and racist material. File 070276, Copy: Each Supervisor, 3 letters(14)
From Mary Lou Gerstle, responding to Supervisor Jew's editorial in the SF Examiner regarding MUNI. Copy: Supervisor Jew(15)
From Daniel Konhauser, submitting opposition to the proposed Earthlink/Google WiFi contract. File 070077, Copy: Each Supervisor, 3 letters(16)
From Christian Holmer, regarding immediate disclosure requests from City departments.(17)
From Tony Haze, commenting on MUNI requiring passengers with FastPasses to board the vehicle from the front door.(18)
From Robert Hutchinson, commenting on pedestrian safety in San Francisco.(19)
From Human Rights Commission, submitting S.F. Administrative Code Chapters 12B and 14B Waiver Request Form (HRC Form 201) for the use of the Holiday Inn Civic Center to administer the E-125 and E-126, Q-2 Police Officer examination.(20)
From T. Nuyens, commenting on parking fines and fees.(21)
From Kathryn Woods, regarding 4 helicopters hovering over the Noe Valley neighborhood starting at about 6:00 a.m. on March 1, 2007.(22)
From Phoebe Williams, submitting to Heather Fong, Chief of Police, a suggestion of 24-hour security for Mayor Newsom. (23)
From Department of Elections, submitting notice of work with the City's lobbyist in tracking of Senate Bill 113 (Calderon): Establishing a February Primary in Years Divisible by Four for the Election of President and Vice President.(24)
From Department of Elections, submitting Supplemental Appropriation for Fiscal Year 2006 / 2007. Copy: Each Supervisor(25)
From Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods, regarding Appeal of Final Environmental Review for SF Marina Renovation Project at 3950 Scott Street; Certification of San Francisco Marina Renovation FEIR. File 070151, 070152, 070153, 070154, Copy: Each Supervisor(26)
From Department of Elections, submitting notice of release of $11,210 in reserve funds for the preparation and mailing of absentee ballots.(27)
From concerned tourist, commenting on the lack of information on parking signs that would inform out-of-towners that there are no exempt days for parking meters. Copy: Supervisor Peskin, Department of Parking and Traffic.(28)
From Abdalla Megahed, requesting a meeting with Mayor Newsom to discuss "Next Door" shelter's actions against the homeless.(29)
From Christian Holmer, commenting that DTIS is one of only two City departments refusing to respond to CPRA requests past due.(30)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to the 6-month trial closure of the East-end of JFK Drive on Saturdays. File 070269, Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 letters(31)
From European/American Issues Forum, submitting copy of "Open Letter" to the San Francisco Chronicle dated March 4, 2007 regarding forum held on AsianWeek race column.(32)
From concerned citizen, commenting on the estimated cost to the City for the redesign and reissue of new uniform patches within the Sheriff's department. Copy: Each Supervisor(33)
From Edi Matzel, commenting on police brutality within the SF Police Department. Copy: Each Supervisor(34)
From Tim Spirakes, commenting on the increasing number and volume of motorcycles with loud exhaust pipes.(35)
From Office of the Treasurer, submitting Portfolio Statistics from July 1, 2006 to February 28, 2007.(36)
From Office of Citizen Complaints, submitting 2005 Annual Report for the Office of Citizen Complaints.(37)
From Metropolitan Transportation Commission, submitting 2006 Annual Report for the Metropolitan Transportation Commission.(38)
From Abdalla Megahed, submitting notice that due to the lack of action taken by the Mayor's office regarding reported complaints against "Next Door" shelter management, he may have to take his concerns to the courts.(39)
From Legal Services for Prisoners with Children, submitting to Sheriff Michael Hennessey copy of a letter of concern regarding the effects of the current policy on families and friends of prisoners.(40)
From Office of the Controller/City Services Auditor, submitting to the Mayor's Office of Economic and Workforce Development, its audit report on the grant awarded to the Chinatown Neighborhood Association (CNA) to operate the Chinatown Night Market in 2005 and 2006.(41)
From Municipal Transportation Agency, regarding repainting the crosswalk at all four sections of the intersection of Hayes Street and Laguna Street in District 5. (Reference 20060912-001) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi(42)
From Ethics Commission, submitting copy of form SFEC-126: Notification of Contract Approval (S.F. Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code section 1.126). Copy: Each Supervisor(43)
From Municipal Transportation Agency, regarding status on the installation of vehicle speed reduction devices on Cerritos Avenue between Ocean Avenue and Junipero Serra. (Reference 20070213-014) Copy: Supervisor Elsbernd(44)
From Hayes Valley Neighborhood Association, urging the Board to approve the rescind of the existing Oak Street tow-away zone and to oppose the addition of a new zone on the North side of Oak Street. File 061694, Copy: Each Supervisor(45)
From Claudia M. Siefer, commenting on the use of plastic shopping bags in San Francisco. File 070085, Copy: Each Supervisor(46)
From Cereplast, Inc., submitting support for the Plastic Bag Reduction Ordinance. File 070085, Copy: Each Supervisor(47) |