Petitions and Communications received from April 17, 2007 through April 23, 2007 for reference by the President to May 1, 2007.
From concerned citizens, submitting support for the Plastic Bag Reduction Ordinance. File 070085, Over 100 letters(1)
From Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector, submitting Bureau of Delinquent Revenue Quarterly Report for the period January 1, 2007 through March 31, 2007.(2)
From concerned citizens, submitting petition in opposition to DPW Order No. 176,807 permitting the building and maintenance of a stairwell from Mountain Spring Avenue to 1310 Stanyan Street.(3)
From Office of the Controller/City Services Auditor, submitting report concerning the review of the consulting firm of Nancy Giunta and its compliance with the City and County of San Francisco.(4)
From Office of the Controller/City Services Auditor, submitting report concerning the review of the cable car fare collection practices of the Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA).(5)
From Office of the Controller/City Services Auditor, submitting report concerning the review of Triage Consulting Group and its compliance with the City and County of San Francisco ordinance prohibiting the use of city funds for political activity.(6)
From US Army Corps of Engineers, submitting San Francisco District Public Notice, Numbers 24305S, 23573S, 24441N, 24997N, 25041N, 24996N and 25563N, dated April 3, 2007.(7)
From Public Utilities Commission, submitting status regarding removing graffiti on metal poles and wooden poles at various locations in District 5. (Reference 20070320-006) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi(8)
From Police Commission, submitting Resolution No. 35-07, approving installation of safety cameras on Haight and Webster Streets. Copy: Each Supervisor(9)
From Police Commission, submitting Resolution No. 36-07, urging the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors to support and formally endorse Assembly Bill 1648. Copy: Each Supervisor(10)
From concerned citizens, urging the Board to find a humane method of dealing with the African clawed frogs residing in Golden Gate Park's lily pond. 5 letters(11)
From Francisco Da Costa, commenting on the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency and Bayview Hunters Point.(12)
From concerned citizen, submitting suggestions to improve Muni service. (13)
From Linda B. Lawrence, commenting on traffic and pedestrian safety issues at the corner of 18th and Dolores Street. Copy: Supervisor Dufty(14)
From Department of Public Works, submitting the quarterly report of the Department of Public Works Defective Sidewalk Repair Revolving Account for the period January 1, 2007 through March 31, 2007.(15)
From Green Guerrillas Against Greenwash, submitting support for the implementation of Community Choice Aggregation. 3 letters(16)
From Philip A. Ferrucci, commenting on the fatal car crash that occurred at Church and Jersey Street on April 16, 2007.(17)
From Ed Shuck, responding to an email received from Supervisor Dufty regarding a press conference on Community Choice Aggregation. Copy: Each Supervisor(18)
From Fletcher C. Benton, commenting on bicyclists using city streets, sidewalks and crosswalks.(19)
From Office of the Legislative Analyst, submitting Legislative Analyst Report regarding Neighborhood Watch (OLA No. 016-07). File No. 070252(20)
From Amy Shifflett, urging the Board to honor those lost in the Virginia Tech campus tragedy by lighting City Hall in the school's colors on the eve of Friday, April 20, 2007. Copy: Each Supervisor(21)
From Brenda McKown, commenting on the Fillmore allowing patrons to smoke during concerts held there. Copy: Each Supervisor(22)
From Nancy Brudigam, commenting on the proposed ban on feeding wild parrots and other birds. Copy: Each Supervisor.(23)
From Kimo Crossman, regarding a request for a statement from the District Attorney on email and calendar deletion policy by the Mayor. 2 letters(24)
From Kimo Crossman, regarding a conflict of interest response request.(25)
From Kimo Crossman, regarding an immediate disclosure request from the Office of the Clerk of the Board.(26)
From Amelia Royko Maurer, regarding the environmental decisions made by the Board. Copy: Each Supervisor(27)
From Troy Nickol, commenting on his commute on the T-Third light rail during morning commute hours. Copy: Municipal Transportation Agency, 2 letters(28)
From D. Chan, submitting email to Supervisor Jew regarding the ongoing L-Taraval light rail service delays between Castro and Embarcadero stations.(29)
From Stradling, Yocca, Carlson & Rauth, regarding California Community College Financing Authority; Community College League of California; Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note Program, Series 2007A; and San Francisco Community College District.(30)
From Municipal Transportation Agency, responding to constituent regarding the Municipal Transportation Agency's position on the use of colored pavement for bicycle facilities.(31)
From David Tornheim and SNAFU, regarding microcell antenna legislation eliminating Accessory Use classification. File 070213, Copy: Land Use Committee Members(32)
From Office of the City Attorney, submitting updated version of the City financial disclosure in connection with the upcoming sale of office building Certificates of Participation. (33)
From Real Estate Division, regarding the Resolution authorizing the justification transfer of portions of Assessor's Parcel Nos. 4352/001 and 4382/005 located near Cesar Chavez and Indiana Street. File 061377(34)
From Office of the City Attorney, submitting report, completed by the Office of the City Attorney, on legal issues involving City payments made to former Mayor staff member Ruby Rippey-Tourk.(35)
From Abdalla Megahed, submitting letter to Mayor Newsom regarding his concerns.(36)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting status on inquiry regarding City contracts.(Reference 20070306-003) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi(37)
From concerned citizens, commenting on the Blue Angels jet crash in South Carolina. Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 letters(38)
From Louise Baranowski, commenting on the new Sick Leave Ordinance.(39)
From concerned citizen, commenting on the current Public Assistance system.(40)
From Meghann Kabala, submitting opposition to the proposed Wi-Fi agreement with Google and Earthlink. File 070077(41)
From Meghann Kabala, submitting support for the implementation of Community Choice energy in San Francisco.(42)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for the proposed PGA tournaments to be held at Harding Park. File 070267, Copy: Each Supervisor, 2 letters(43)
From Office of the City Attorney, submitting response to an immediate disclosure request. 2 letters(44)
From Carol E. Volk, commenting on why she intends to stop voting for any San Francisco Office. Copy: Supervisors Daly and McGoldrick(45)
From San Francisco Arts Commission, submitting San Francisco Arts Commission Quarterly Report for quarter ending March 31, 2007.(46)
From Asthma Task Force, submitting the General Fund Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Expenditures for the San Francisco Asthma Task Force.(47)
From Civil Service Commission, submitting copy of Salary Survey of Registered Nurse Classifications, Fiscal Year 2007-2008 prepared by the Department of Human Resources. Copy: Each Supervisor(48)
From Recreation and Park Department, submitting response to request for information regarding gardener and custodial staffing estimates.(49)
From San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors, submitting letter from San Francisco International Airport regarding the construction of the new customs station at Stockton Airport.(50) |