Petitions and Communications received from April 24, 2007 through April 30, 2007 for reference by the President to May 8, 2007.
From Office of the Controller/City Services Auditor, submitting report concerning the concession review of Tradewinds Airlines, Inc. for the period from September 2004 through June 2006.(1)
From Office of the Controller/City Services Auditor, submitting report concerning the review of Cody's Books, Inc. and its compliance with the City and County of San Francisco ordinance prohibiting the use of City funds for political activity.(2)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for the implementation of Community Choice energy in San Francisco. 8 letters(3)
From Department of Public Works, regarding status on removing the wheatpasted posters from its "Building Façade & Sidewalk Beautification" Program, at various locations in District 1. (Reference 20070410-008) Copy: Supervisor McGoldrick(4)
From Department of Public Works, regarding status on repairing the sidewalk at 957 Cole Street. (Reference 20070410-021) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi(5)
From Department of Public Works, regarding status on repairing multiple potholes located on the West side of Divisadero between Haight and Waller Street. (Reference 20070327-001) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi(6)
From Department of Public Works, regarding status on tree pruning and maintenance at the Midtown Park Apartments located at 1415 Scott Street. (Reference 20070410-014) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi(7)
From Francisco Da Costa, regarding the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice.(8)
From Spencer Guthrie, commenting on the recent death of a friend who was murdered in the Marina District. Copy: Supervisor Alioto-Pier(9)
From Helmut Kayan, commenting on a City employee who he observed littering in the Hayes Valley neighborhood.(10)
From Paul Kangas, commenting on ways to stop homicides in San Francisco. Copy: Supervisor Daly, 2 letters(11)
From Katherine Peterson, commenting on various issues.(12)
From Ted Soderberg, submitting opposition to San Francisco being a sanctuary City for illegal aliens.(13)
From Kimo Crossman, regarding an immediate disclosure request from the Clerk of the Board. 3 letters(14)
From Troy Nikol, commenting on ongoing delays with the Muni T-Third light rail service on April 23, 2007.(15)
From Designing Accessible Communities, submitting copy of complaint sent to the Mayor's Office on Disability regarding vehicles parking illegally on City sidewalks.(16)
From concerned citizens, regarding the proposal to site a new 49ers stadium at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. 2 letters(17)
From William Davies, submitting opposition to the proposed Wi-Fi agreement with Google and Earthlink. File 070077(18)
From Maya Rosberg, commenting on the lack of empathy and concern that exists in the Mental Health system. Copy: Mental Health Board(19)
From Kimo Crossman, regarding an immediate disclosure request regarding the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force office hours.(20)
From Francisco Da Costa, commenting on the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.(21)
From Ahimsa Porter Sumchai, commenting on Lennar Homes.(22)
From Connie Davis, seeking assistance from the Board to help her friend who is currently incarcerated.(23)
From John Chang, commenting on San Francisco not having a wind and solar energy option.(24)
From Municipal Transportation Agency, regarding notice of an in-kind contribution from Major League Baseball located in New York, New York.(25)
From Department of Public Health, submitting monthly STD report for March 2007.(26)
From Christian Holmer, regarding the Golden Gate Park Community Stakeholder list.(27)
From SF Paratransit Coordinating Council, regarding new ramp taxi medallions. Copy: Budget and Finance Committee members.(28)
From Stephanie Provines, commenting on the removal of restaurant waste generated each year.(29)
From Human Services Agency, submitting 6-month report for Community Living Fund (CLF): Program for Case Management, and Purchase of Resources and Services for the period July through December 2006.(30)
From Clerk of the Board, regarding Public Education Enrichment Fund In-Kind Services.(31)
From Office of the Controller, submitting Biannual Overtime Report (Administrative Code Section 18.13-5). Copy: Each Supervisor(32)
From Clerk of the Board. submitting Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests from:(33)
Gloria Young, Clerk of the Board and Executive Officer of LAFCo
Kathleen Gulbengay, Interim Clerk of the Board
Tom Ammiano, Member of LAFCo
Pooja Jhunjhunwala, Legislative Assistant to Supervisor McGoldrick
From Mayor's Office on Disability, submitting response to constituent regarding accessible on-street parking spaces and loading zones with no adjacent curb-ramps.(34)
From Kimo Crossman, regarding an immediate disclosure request on office hours for the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force.(35)
From Troy Nickol, commenting on Muni T-Line service delays during the morning and evening commute hours on April 26, 2007. Copy: Municipal Transportation Agency, 2 letters(36)
From Jeannette Luini, commenting that all plastic bags should be recyclable along with metal coat hangers and VHS cassette tapes.(37)
From Shawn Miller, commenting on Critical Mass and how the original goal is no longer being realized.(38)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for the proposed Wi-Fi agreement with Google and Earthlink. File 070077, 2 letters(39)
From concerned citizens, urging the Board to find a humane method of dealing with the African clawed frogs residing in Golden Gate Park's lily pond. Approximately 100 letters received(40)
From John Stokes, commenting on an article published in the Chronicle on 4/27/07 regarding illegal immigration. Copy: Each Supervisor(41)
From Jeff Williamson, commenting on his continuous harassment throughout San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor(42)
From St. John's Tutoring Center, submitting notice that students from Marshall Elementary School will soon be sending letters expressing what they have been working on to make their community a better place to learn and grow.(43)
From Jeannette Luini, urging the Board to reconsider their position on plastic shopping bags. Copy: Each Supervisor(44)
From Fran Hattan, commenting on loitering at two Muni bus stops near the Turk-Hyde mini park.(45)
From Planning Department, regarding status on an assessment of the permitting process and timeline for Medical Cannabis Dispensaries and any delays in the process, including whether the deadline of July 1, 2007 is a realistic deadline given the current permitting process.(Reference 20070327-003) Copy: Supervisor Alioto-Pier(46)
From Human Services Agency, submitting the Human Services Agency's revised Fiscal Year 2006-2007 savings projections for the Human Services Care Fund.(47)
From Russ Farmer, commenting on the current Public Assistance process.(48)
From Alfred Armand, commenting on an analysis conducted by the Office of the Legislative Analyst regarding municipal golf courses in the greater Bay Area. Copy: Office of the Legislative Analyst, Each Supervisor(49)
From Francisco Da Costa, commenting on an Earth Day event held at Garfield Park on April 21, 2007.(50)
From Rachel Hardwick, submitting opposition to recent comments made by Supervisor Daly with regard to Mayor Newsom's intent to develop a "Quality of Life" court in the Tenderloin. Copy: Supervisor Daly(51)
From Office of the Mayor, regarding a Resolution approving the extension of a contract to provide San Francisco's voting system. Copy: Each Supervisor, File 070309(52)
From Public Utilities Commission, regarding status on removing graffiti from metal poles and wooden poles at various locations in District 5. (Reference 20070410-018) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi(53)
From Public Utilities Commission, regarding status on removing graffiti from metal poles and wooden poles at various locations in District 5. (Reference 20070424-006) Copy: Supervisor Mirkarimi(54)
From concerned citizens, commenting on asbestos levels at Bayview Hunters Point Shipyard Parcel A on April 12, 2007. 2 letters(55)
From Frankie Franck, commenting on Sharp Park Golf Course.(56)
From Wally Greenwall, commenting on Mayor Newsom's consideration of "Quality of Life" courts. Copy: Supervisor Daly(57)
From Robert J. Ovanin, submitting opposition to bicycle activists in San Francisco.(58)
From Ron Sperry, submitting opposition to Critical Mass.(59)
From Frank De Smidt, commenting on why he will no longer visit San Francisco.(60) |