Abdalla Megahed, funding for the homeless, vacant sites for use as homeless shelter; Ernestine Weiss, need neighborhood beat cops, senior housing, rent control, park and open space; Jose
Morales, senior housing, disabled, terminally ill and low income residents; Male speakers, PAC pledge to provide $2 million for housing; James Howard Pye, Jr., senior housing, social
services for son; Paola Zuniga, Mission Anti-displacement Coalition, quality of life issues; Female speaker, taxi and municipal transportation matters; Steven Currier, Geneva car barn
and office building funding; Denise D’Anne, quality of life issues relating to the environment; Frederick Hobson, funding for additional beds for substance abuse, Animal Welfare
Commission, Veterans Commission; John Bardis, congratulations to the new Board, supports district elections; Father, taxi service; Michael Nulty, housing committee; Bruce Allison,
community violence, minimum compensation ordinance; Sala, community access tv talk show hostess, community violence; Jessica, housing for San Francisco students; Don Isenberg, Green
Party, supports resolution against PGE rate increase and suggest adding moratorium on laying off workers; Female, tree council, supports moratorium on live-work units, bike lanes, oppose
Butterfly Museum; Mr. Griswell, campaign finance reform enforcement; Joe Fusco, Golden Gate Park and proposed plan and environment review for the deYoung Museum; Edmund, urge public
involvement in government; Robert Pender, Park Merced residents meeting; Male speaker, suggestions on how to conduct civic duties; John Winston, guidance on neighborhood agenda.