Requests Granted
From: Supervisor Ammiano
To: Director, Redevelopment Agency
Requesting/Inquiring: To forward any and all information pertaining to the Redevelopment Agency Commission's vote of October 2, 2001 rejecting exclusive negotiations with TODCO-A Inc. for the development of 115 units of affordable housing for very low income individuals.
From: Supervisors Daly, Sandoval
To: City Attorney
Requesting/Inquiring: To draft legislation based on the District of Columbia's $100 Million Assistance program for local business.
Due: October 15, 2001
From: Supervisor Gonzalez
To: City Attorney
Requesting/Inquiring: To draft legislation providing for a single turn lane onto Masonic Street from Oak Street, removing a second turn lane.
From: Supervisor Gonzalez
To: City Attorney
Requesting/Inquiring: To draft legislation providing for a permitting process for parking spaces on Middle Drive East and Bowling Green Drive south of Middle Drive East for use by persons using the Conservatory in Golden Gate Park on Saturdays and Sundays.
From: Supervisor Hall
To: Director, Port Authority
Requesting/Inquiring: To provide a general summary of all lease holdings on all Port property.Specifically, who the current titleholders are at each pier, how much time remains on each lease, and whether or not the Port anticipates any changes to the various leases within the next year.
From: Supervisor Hall
To: City Attorney
Requesting/Inquiring: To draft an ordinance, or perhaps a Board Rule, that would require the Clerk of the Board to print the total cost of each item on the summary line of each Committee and each Board agenda.For example, on the 10/9 agenda, at the end of the one sentence summary for Item #3, it would read "Budget Impact = $20,000," and on Item #5, it would read