Resolution appointing Steven Polevei, Alan Gelb, Rebecca Goldfader, Abbie Yant, Andrew Bindman, Ronald Smith, George Susens, Michael Puccinelli, Kym Valadez, and Alissa Riker, terms to be determined, to the Emergency Room Diversion Task Force, residency requirement waived.
Steven Polevei, new position, seat 2, must be an emergency room physician from the Emergency Physicians Association, term to be determined; Alan Gelb (residency requirement waived), new position, seat 3, must be an emergency room physician from the San Francisco General Hospital, term to be determined; Rebecca Goldfader, new position, seat 4, must be a nurse manager from a community hospital, term to be determined; Abbie Yant, new position, seat 5, must be a nurse manager from a community hospital, term to be determined; Andrew Bindman, new position, seat 6, must be a primary care specialist physician from the San Francisco General Hospital, term to be determined; Ronald Smith, new position, seat 7, must represent the Hospital Council, term to be determined; George Susens, new position, seat 8, must be a representative of the San Francisco Medical Society, term to be determined; Michael Puccinelli, new position, seat 9, must be a representative of the San Francisco Police Department, term to be determined; Kym Valadez (residency requirement waived), new position, seat 11, must represent a community based organization that serves the homeless and/or uninsured population, term to be determined; Alissa Riker, new position, seat 12, must represent a community based organization that serves the homeless and/or uninsured population, term to be determined.