Resolution appointing Benson Wong, Brian Hugh Henning, Cameron Coulter, Bob Schmitt, Michael Red, Lily Rahnema, Judith Teracina, Enola Maxwell and Joanne Hernadez terms ending September 4,
2006, to the Delinquency Prevention Commission. Benson Wong, new position, seat 1, must be nominated by District 1 Supervisor for a new 4-year term ending September 4, 2006.
Brian Hugh Henning, new position, seat 2, must be nominated by District 2 Supervisor, for a new 4-year term ending September 4, 2006.
Cameron Coulter, new position, seat 3, must be nominated by District 3 Supervisor, for a new 4-year term ending September 4, 2006.
Bob Schmitt, new position, seat 4, must be nominated by District 4 Supervisor, for a new 4-year term ending September 4, 2006.
Michael Red, new position, seat 5, must be nominated by District 5 Supervisor, for a new 4-year term ending September 4, 2006.
Lily Rahnema, new position, seat 6, must be nominated by District 6 Supervisor, for a new 4-year term ending September 4, 2006.
Judith Teracina, new position, seat 7, must be nominated by District 7 Supervisor, for a new 4-year term ending September 4, 2006.
Vacant seat, new position, seat 8, must be nominated by District 8 Supervisor, for a new 4-year term ending September 4, 2006.
Vacant seat, new position, seat 9, must be nominated by District 9 Supervisor, for a new 4-year term ending September 4, 2006.
Enola Maxwell, new position, seat 10, must be nominated by District 10 Supervisor, for a new 4-year term ending September 4, 2006.
Joanne Hernandez, new position, seat 11, must be nominated by District 11 Supervisor, for a new 4-year term ending September 4, 2006.