From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Municipal Transportation Agency
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Municipal Transportation Agency to report on the feasibility of improving the visibility of the westbound handicap ramp at Second Avenue and Irving Street, primarily for night vision.
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Parking and Traffic
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Parking and Traffic to report on the status of removing graffiti on the parking signs located on both sides of the street (unless otherwise noted), at the following locations:
- 17 th between Belvedere and Cole
- Alma between Cole and Belvedere
- Waller between Clayton and Stanyan (mostly the black frames)
- Clayton between Haight and Frederick
- Cole between Haight and Frederick
- Belvedere between Waller and Frederick
- Shrader between Haight and Waller
- Waller between Stanyan and Frederick
- Hayes between Baker and Divisadero
- Broderick between Oak and Golden Gate
- Grove between Fillmore and Webster
- Grove between Buchanan and Laguna (mostly the black frames)
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Parking and Traffic
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Parking and Traffic to report on the status of removing graffiti from DPT property at the following locations:
- "Prevent Runaway Cars" sign at 975 Grove
- "Shrader" Street sign at the northwest corner of Page and Shrader
- "STOP" sign – Southeast corner of Broderick and Golden Gate (and pole)
- "STOP" sign – Northwest corner of Pierce and Fulton
- Pedestrian Crossing Signal at the all four corners of Fulton and Broderick (plus stickers)
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Public Utilities Commission
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Public Utilities Commission to report on the status of removing graffiti at the following locations:
- Northeast corner of Waller and Ashbury
- 975 Grove Street
- Southeast corner of Grove and Fillmore
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Public Works to report on the status of removing graffiti from news stands at the following locations: Southwest corner of Hayes and Broderick (Chronicle). Southwest corner of Hayes and Broderick (Learning Annex).
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Public Works to report on the status of removing graffiti from mailboxes and garbage cans at the following locations: Northeast corner of Golden Gate and Pierce (Mailboxes) and the Southwest corner of Waller and Downey (Garbage Cans).
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Public Works to report on the status of removing the graffiti from the following locations: Southwest corner of Hayes and Cole and the Southeast corner of Broderick and McAllister (Phone Switch Boxes).
From: Supervisor Mirkarimi
To: Director, Department of Public Works
Requesting/Inquiring: Requesting the Department of Public Works to report on the status of removing graffiti from the public property at the following locations:
Southeast corner of Cole and Frederick and the Northeast corner of Hayes and Broderick (Emergency Boxes).