Petitions and Communications received from October 13, 2009, through October 19, 2009, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on October 27, 2009.
From State Public Utilities Commission, submitting notification that an application has been filed by Pacific Gas and Electric Company to recover costs associated with agreement from its 2008 long term request for offers. (1)
From T-Mobile, submitting notification letters regarding placement of cellular site antennas at the following sites: (2)
237 Brazil Avenue.
478 Orizaba Street
4300 Anza Street
1200 Haight Street
From State Fish and Game Commission, submitting notice of location change for adoption hearing on proposed regulatory action for Sport Fishing Regulations for years 2010-2012. (3)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting appointment of Al Perez as a member of the Entertainment Commission effective October 14, 2009, to fill the neighborhood representative seat. Copy: Each Supervisor, Rules Clerk (4)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to proposed legislation to extend parking meter hours in San Francisco. 5 letters (5)
From Office of Citizen Complaints, submitting the Third Quarter 2009 Statistical Report. (6)
From Recreation and Parks Department and the Port, submitting the 2008 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Park Bond Accountability Report. (7)
From James Corrigan, regarding the extended red zones painted adjacent to fire house doors in order to elimiate cars from parking there. (8)
From concerned citizens, submitting support for proposed legislation to extend parking meter hours in San Francisco. 3 letters (9)
From James Trousdale, submitting support for strengthening the Entertainment Commission and opposing the restriction of granting permits for special events. (10)
From Arthur Evans, submitting support for proposed motion that amends Rule 1.4 to provide additional opportunities for public comment at committee meetings. File No. 091107, Copy: Rules Committee (11)
From concerned citizens, submitting opposition to the closure of the Presidio Boulevard entrance. 2 letters (12)
From concerned citizens, urging the Board of Supervisors to preserve the historic 18-hole Sharp Park Golf course. 7 letters (13)
From Laura Cleveland, submitting support for proposed legislation to transfer Sharp Park to the National Park Service as part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area or to jointly manage the park with the Park Service.7 letters (14)
From Police Department, submitting notice that the department will hold its first Compstat meeting under the direction of Chief Gascon on Wednesday, October 21, 2009, at the Cathedral Hill Hotel. (15)
From Blake Gray, regarding Comcast's billing practices. (16)
From Merrick Wolfe, submitting opposition to restricting off-leash dog privileges at Fort Funston, namely by changing the area's name from Golden Gate National Recreation Area to Golden Gate National Parks. (17)
From concerned citizens, commenting on proposed ordinance regarding confidentiality of juveniles' immigration status. File No. 091032, 7 letters (18)
From Lisa Roberts, urging the Department of Public Works to trim the trees on the 500 block of Arguello Boulevard. (19)
From concerned citizens, regarding the war in Afghanistan. File No. 091173, 2 letters (20)
From concerned citizen, regarding rent control in San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor (21) |